Saturday, January 20, 2007

Shame on mE

I have gotten several complaints that I have not posted a picture of our dog Tom Jones. He is so smart and very active. He is working very hard on agility and being a fabulous pet. Yes, Kim I said fabulous- take note! Here are some cute pics of Tom and his best friend Smartie Jones, my parents' Golden Retriever. There is also pictures of Tom and our old dog Ranger. We had to put Ranger to sleep in November due to cancer. We miss her so much and so does Tom.

Happy Halloween

Ranger as a witch and Tom as Batman!

Tom misses his buddy Ranger :(

Ranger was rescued from North Shore 13 years ago after being abused and giving birth to a litter of pups before she turned one. She was a very aggressive dog but after several sessions of socialization classes was able to get along with Smartie and Tom. She was very motherly to both of them and I am sure they both miss her. Known as the "Pig on Stilts," and "Yoda," she was quite the character and was as spiteful as they come at times. She was a great friend and Paul and I with my parents and sister miss her dearly.

Tom and Smartie

Trouble times two!

Diaper Cakes by mE

Check out the link for my handmade diaper cakes!

Happy Winter Birthdays!

On top of Christmas, we celebrated some very special birthdays to make the holidays even FULLER! There were many parties and so, so much food. Four down and two to go and then we go on hiatus for a few months.

Happy Birthday to :

Paul Jr- December 20th

Paul's Mom Chris- December 25th

Paul- January 11th

Michelle's sister Jeanine- January 20th

And in the next few weeks- Happy Birthday to Elissa and Happy Birthday to Michelle's dad Mike

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wedding Pictures!!!

OK it only took two days for me to figure out how to name the gigantic link for the wedding pictures on this page. Not too bad for a beginner. Thank you mucho to Jeanine who sat for hours (using dial-up!) to upload over 700 pictures that our photographer put on CDs-DVDs?? for us. Please find the link under Link List on the left. Also some people have inquired about various services that we used for our wedding and they can be found on our link list under the pictures. By the way I took care of the passport issue! Should be here in plenty of time before the trip- I hope!

From the top-
Eric, Evan, Ellen, Christopher, Keri, Paul Jr., Lauren, Bobby, Katie, Billy, Jeanine,
Paul & Michelle

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Our Page is Finally Up and Running

With much procrastination we finally got it together to create our own page. With a lot of friends and family far, we wanted to keep in touch as best as we can and share all of our pictures from our wedding too! Wedding pics will be up soon- Thanks Jeanine! Here are a few to tide you over.....

Now for the honeymoon, Paul and I leave in 41 days for Phuket, Thailand. Maybe I should get cracking on renewing that passport! My poor mom, dad and Smartie- this means Tom is coming for an extended visit to your house! Better hide your toys Smart-O.