Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tom's First Agility Trial

On June 2-3, Tom competed in his first agility trial. We have been taking classes for about 8 months now at PCOTC under the instruction of Kim and Kris Seiter. He has come a long way and learned a lot (and so have I!!) We decided to try competing this spring at a trial or two to see where we are and what we need to work on this summer so we can compete (for real) in the Fall. We did two standard runs and a jumpers run. On Saturday we did just one standard run and Tom was amazing. He ran a clean run- he didn't miss one contact. We were over by 7 seconds on the time though so we didn't qualify but it was so great to have set a few goals and surpass them. On Saturday we did not do as well but overall we accomplished all of our goals such as staying in the ring, getting a good sit stay, keeping good contacts and most importantly having fun. On the jumpers run Tom got ahead of me and did a few laps and was very unfocused. I felt so embarrassed because he ran all over the ring. It was very overwhelming for Tom to be around such high drive dogs and especially all those Border Collies! It will be an adjustment but another competitor came over after my run and said some very encouraging words to me. She said her dog did the same thing for the first four or five trials she went to but he got over it and settled down. This was incredibly encouraging since her tent was decorated with all these ribbons from the weekend including Master of Agility she earned that day with that same dog. I learned some very good lessons that weekend and became more comfortable with the environment. I am looking forward to our next "practice" trial in two weeks. I am sure it will be a fun one since it is upstate and both Tom and Smartie will be competing. I do have to say one thing--->Several people mentioned that we had such great contacts- It must be from all those months of Beginner Agility! Thanks Kim & Kris!!!!

Silly Dogs

On the weekends when Smartie and Abby come to visit there is always excitement and of course exhaustion. Abby and Jerry terrorize Smartie and Tom by chasing them through the tunnels and agility equipment, hanging from their neck fur (we found quite a few of Jerry's baby teeth there!) and stealing their toys. Tom caught on quick that he can just wait till Jerry or Abby become the slightest bit distracted and then he can go in to steal the toy back. Here a a few recent pics - Posing in the tunnel (top photo), Jerry stealing Tom's soccer ball (Tom waiting patiently :), Posing on the wall and Jerry and Abby inspecting the camera lens.

Happy Birthday Nemo & Ella!!!

On Saturday, May 26th, Tom & Jerry were invited to their very first Doggie Birthday party for Nemo & Ella, their agility classmates. Hosted by their handlers, Joanna and Laurey, there were lots of doggie games, doggie crafts, doggie gifts and even a doggie birthday cake. Everyone had such a great time and all the dogs got along well. Of course there was people food and cake too but the emphasis was on the pups. What a great time!

Tom decided the water bowl was a swimming pool!

They even had party hats!