Thursday, June 5, 2008

I am gettting promoted to the 4TH GRADE!

Hehe- after being left back in third for four years straight I get the chance to go to fourth grade. The nicest thing is that I am looping up with my entire class so in September we get to carry on where we left off. I have always wanted to do it and my class is really great so this should be a fun year even though there is so much prep for three state tests. I am not too worried since I taught fourth for three years when I started at PS 182. I did take some of the new books home that they use though to prepare myself. I will keep you posted on our progress.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Contact Agility Trial

Smartie approaching the jump
Smartie clearing a jump!
Our friends Donna and Henry

This trial was held in Carmel in Putnam Park and is only about 20 minutes from my house so I love going to this trial just for that reason. This trial was not too rewarding in the Q category. I had to run in Advanced Standard and Advanced Jumpers and the courses were very different from Starters. Tom embarrassed me royally as we sat in the ring waiting for our turn to run in the pairs event. As Hailey started to run her side Tom squatted and peed right in the ring. I had forgotten to ask him to urinate before entering the ring which I do every time so he took it upon himself to pee before he went. We were able to run but we NQed for eliminating in the ring. Hailey had run great with only one bar dropped. We would have come in second and Q'ed. Oh well there is always Blackthorne Lauren!