Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Update on Blood Type

I got my genotype results back and I am genotypically O positive but I still test O Negative...... which amounts to I have a weak Big D for all those medical people who understand and for the rest of us it means I am missing some pieces of my D antigen? which is okay. SO the doctors all decided to treat me as O negative for this pregnancy and any others I may have in case the baby has a different blood type so I don't reject it. Shots in the rear here we come! In the event I ever need a transfusion the genetics people in Wisconsin are still running tests to see how weak my D antigen really is and to see if I should be getting O negative blood but it takes forever for the results to come back. Never a dull moment.

Aside from all that mess the baby is doing well. The first trimester screening all came back negative and they said I didn't need an amnio so that is good news. We went to the doctor again and saw the baby wiggling and squirming all over and it looked like it was punching. Good thing I don't feel anything yet! It is getting bigger too. I am very grateful that my doctors are having me come every two weeks, mostly for our sanity after last year, but it is so nice to see the baby and hear the heartbeat so often and just make sure everything is going smoothly.

Now for this weekend Tom & Jerry have a trial in Westfield Massachusetts so we are packing it up and leaving Friday for some nice outlet shopping etc. Jerry is going to get a go at trialing but just a couple of easy obstacles because I couldn't possible run him in an entire course. He is still reckless and not ready for trialing but I want to put him in the atmosphere since I am not going to be trialing all winter. Paul is staying home to stain some doors and get the house ready for the baby. It should be a nice weekend hopefully not too hot and even my mom is coming! Must be that shopping that lured her in!

Monday, July 7, 2008

A New Sibling for Tom & Jerry

Paul and I are proud to announce that we are pregnant and so far everything looks "normal" whatever that is. HA I tricked you. I bet you thought we were getting another puppy!

What a completely different experience this time from our sad loss with a molar pregnancy just one year ago. We are starting to get excited as we had some testing done and everything is as good as it gets so far. Still nervous and scared - not about raising a baby but with everything that can happen between now and its birth. It has been extremely hard to be happy or excited during the past twelve weeks but each doctor's visit brings a clearer picture and a smile or two to our faces. Seeing the baby bounce around, flail its limbs, hear the strong heartbeat and actually look like it is sucking its thumb were truly amazing. Thank you to our close family for not saying anything until now. We really appreciate it.

Here is a good look at Baby Quinn- look closely and you can see its little hand near its mouth and some ribs.

The baby is due on January 18th. We figured we could add one more birthday to the MANY that occur in our family between December and January! Tom & Jerry are very excited about the baby. Tom sees it as something that will throw a ball or anything else to him and Jerry thinks it will make a good snack....... Hmmm we will have to work on that one!

The only strange thing about this pregnancy is that my blood type mysteriously changed from O+ to O- (which really didn't happen but the test says it did) so I had to get a genotype test which will straighten things out so I will not need special shots for RH- blood. We await those results but they will have no effect on the baby whatever the results are. They are just to set the record straight so I don't go wasting O- blood and of course save my behind (yes that is where the shots go if I am O- to protect the baby! I will not need shots if I am O+) Thanks Uncle Terry for explaining and helping with that.