Sunday, September 27, 2009

Animal Crackers

Here is Emme eating my favorite--- Animal Crackers!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Wagon Wheel

Well Emme has started to pick up things and self feed herself. Here she is with a wagon wheel.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gearing up for Winter

Pea coat and cap

Ok so I am a little nuts to have already bought Emme all her winter stuff and it is still hitting the 70s but you can never be too prepared. Besides EVERYTHING seems to be "baby pink" which I cannot stand. I have learned to tolerate fuschia and salmon but light pink makes my stomach churn and everything is pink. So when I saw this cute jacket in brown I couldn't resist. I even went back and bought the ski pants. Wishful thinking but if she learns to walk before she is one and we have a late winter....... maybe we can get her on skis! By the way I allowed the hat and gloves to be 1/6 pink!
Emme & Tom Jones

Emme, Tom & Jerry

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Breastfeeding Support Group Annual Tea

Emme and I took the day off and went to our Breastfeeding Support Group's Annual Tea. Each year all the members and their babies of course are invited to a local restaurant for an afternoon of lunch, speakers, raffles and fun. It was fun to dress up and since I cannot attend meetings regularly since I work it was a great opportunity to meet up with friends I won't get to see for awhile as well as some of the nurses who took care of us during our stay and my ob was there too. Huge thanks to Linda the most fabulous lactation consultant ever for being so supportive and organizing such a great afternoon.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Apple Picking

We headed out early to a local apple farm and enjoyed delicious cider donuts (YUM) with Marianne, Dom and Natalie. We then took a hayride to apple pick. Emme ate some apple all by herself although she liked to be fed instead. I couldn't believe how much they charge now for a half bushel. Over $20 and we have to do all the picking!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Yorktown Grange Fair

This sea lion put all 200lbs on one little flipper!

We broke the rules and went out on a school night to the Yorktown Grange Fair. It is a local town fair that had a great sea lion show. Natalie and Emme fully enjoyed it and so did the adults. Emme was too small to go on any rides but we saw some animals and walked around. It was pretty cold for a September evening. Afterward we headed over to a baptismal class to prepare for Emme's upcoming christening.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tag Sale Treasures

(All items in pic above cost $24 in total at tag sales --Emme was purchased separately!)

I am sure I am not the only one who slams on the brakes and tears off the side of the road when passing what looks to be a good tag sale. I have a mental list of all the things I would like and sometimes I find something and sometimes it's all crap. En route to drive my mom home Saturday I passed what looked to be a good one and a good one it was. I got Emme a Little Tykes Toolbench and fishing kit. Yes they were probably 16 or so years old but in excellent condition.

Where will I put these things I don't know but I figured Paul couldn't yell at me because every little girl needs a toolbench and fishing kit! Right? I think he was actually pleased with my purchases even though he would never admit it. Especially as he watches Emme pull a wrench out of the box and wave a saw over Jerry as if she were cutting him in half. I could see the smile on his face. (Not that she would ever cut Jerry in half!) Oh and I only paid $12 for all of it!

For Emme's next trick she will drive her car and give Jerry a haircut with her saw!- Just kidding! DON'T WORRY- no animals were harmed during this photo shoot)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

7.5 month Update

-is rolling and pushing herself up on her forearms
-can push herself up on her side and move forward a tiny bit
-can pull herself to a sit and stand while holding someone's hands
-says buh buh and waves bye bye
-repeats the buh sound when you say a b word
-recognizes the sign for nap, drink, dog, more and all done (doesn't like all done)
-loves Elmo and Sesame Street
-rides in her car holding the steering wheel
-has been underwater in the pool
-likes being in the pool
-talks to herself in crib until I pick her up
-doesn't fuss when put to bed or nap
-sleeps through the night still....
-hates cauliflower and cucumbers!
-now eats chicken, turkey, fish, lima beans, string beans
-pulls open velcro and closes it
-still wears 3-6 month clothes
-is 27 inches long!(75th percentile) and 15.2 lbs (25 percentile)

Friday, September 4, 2009

I Love Elmo

Elmo and Emme

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cousin Drake

Today we visited Grandma and Grandpa Q's house and Emme got to see her cousin Drake. He is going to be 2 at the end of November. He is already walking and talking and Emme likes him a lot. They played nicely with the toys and Drake showed her how to sweep the floor.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

If they could fit in the stroller they would.....

Abbie absolutely loves Emme and Emme can't get enough of Abbie. Emme laughs and giggles constantly when Abbie is near. Of course Abbie licks her and makes her squeal even louder. Smartie likes her but is usually just in it for the crumbs and milk moustache!