Monday, November 30, 2009

Y Agility Thanksgiving Weekend Trial

(l-r) Abbie, Breeze, Hailey, Smartie, Jerry, Maddie, Tom, Emme, Mac, Roo, Sailor

Yes we are all crazy. On Black Friday my mom and I headed out with Emme nice and early to go shopping in Poughkeepsie. Surprisingly it was empty. We got a lot done and then headed to our hotel as we were trialing up in High Falls, NY that weekend. It was cold! During the day, Emme stayed with my mom in the car for most of the time while we were at the barn.She was playing, reading books and learning new words. She did get out for awhile when she went to the barn with the horses and ponies and got to pet them and nuzzle with them. She loves all animals. She will be the kid who finds a snake and brings it home. She also had a lot of crawling time with her furry friends at the hotel.

So hotel fees for the weekend $100, trial entry fees for the dogs $68, spending the weekend in a two bedroom hotel suite with 5 adults, ten dogs and an infant in which everyone got along and slept through the night-PRICELESS!!!! Tom even snuck in a Q during his last run and Smartie Qed in Gamblers with a four jump gamble?????!!!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was celebrated at our house with my parents, my sister and her fiance and five out of six dogs were present. Brody stayed with Kevin's parents since he is a little rambunctious.... :) We started cooking, no wait, PAUL started cooking at 9am and I don't think either of us finally relaxed until everyone was gone. Emme ate lots of turkey, and pretty much all the other foods. She particularly liked smashing the turkey cake as seen below.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Emme's Christening

Today was Emme's Christening and we had a great day. Emme made raspberry noises throughout the ceremony and in the priest's face which thank ggodness he thought was funny. She was too cute and then she slept through a good portion of the luncheon. We saw lots of family that we do not get to see too often which was nice and for some it was their first time meeting Emme. The Christening dress and bonnet cut and made from my wedding dress were cut and made from my wedding dress. Here are some pictures from the day.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Cleaning out the Garage

Today we spent all day cleaning out the garage. Emme was perfectly happy watching us clean away from the confines of her playpen.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Holiday Cards

We had 30 minutes+ 6 dogs+ one baby+ 4 adults trying to get them all to look. That = a great holiday picture. I won't give you the actual photo now since it is my parents' Christmas card but I will tease you a little with one of the funniest shots. By the way the most cooperative award goes to Smartie, Jerry and Emme who did not move a muscle the entire 30 minutes. Ok everyone 1-2-3 Say Cheese.........


This is classic. Everyone is watching him exit and Emme is waving bye-bye!

From l-r Breeze, Abbie, Tom, Emme, Smartie and Jerry. Not picture is Brody....

Friday, November 13, 2009

Emme's Toys

I went to my mom's and went shopping in her garage. I am so happy my mom and I are packrats. Emme ended up with a ton of really cool vintage toys that Jeanine and I had from back int he day- Fisher Price Barn (yes the one that the door makes a MOOO sound) and Little People House, an Ewok Hut and a 1978 Sesame Street Little People Clubhouse. We also found 25 Sesame Street figurines, a metal lunchbox and a ton of other stuff. I wish I had all the pieces that went with these things and the other things we gave to our cousins. We are only missing a few things but Ebay is ridiculous- $12 for a Bert figurine! Maybe we will find some at tag sales.

What do you mean you lost Bert!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Welcome to the Family Autumn Breeze!!!!!

Well my dad got an early Christmas present and a shelter dog didn't have to be euthanized. Autumn Breeze was a shelter dog in Mississippi whose owner could not keep her. She was put into a shelter where she was not adopted after a certain time and was put on a 24 hour list. That means after 24 hours she was going to be euthanized. Luckily the SPCA in Westchester has people who live down south and get these animals and foster them until they can come north to be boarded until adopted. Breeze arrived on Sunday and by Wednesday night had a new warm bed at my parents' home. Smartie, Abbie, Tom, Jerry and Emme all love her and she loves them all right back. She is so sweet with Emme. It is like she has been with us all along. Thanks to Lauren Stein for helping Breeze find a new family.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


This month is a busy one for birthdays. We had a party for my mom and we went to Uncle Dom's party. Happy birthday to Aunt Marianne too!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Emme's Asthma

Just last week Emme had her first ear infection and she has had colds since September and this chronic cough. Then one day I picked her up from school and she was wheezing, coughing and really pulling for air. I took her to the doctor and he said it is either asthma or bronchiolitis. He said he would give her a nebulizer treatment and if it cleared up it was most likely asthma. If it is bronchiolitis it will not clear up with the treatment. She was SOOO much better after the treatment so we will be treating it like asthma. I had the same thing when I was younger. My asthma only acted up when I had an ear infection or cold. Hopefully this will be the same. So Emme has become a pro at neb treatments.