Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Central Park

Playing in the sprinkler
Flying High

Emme and Jeanine

Today Jeanine and I took Emme on the Metro North down to the city to check out Heckscher Playground. It was a long walk but a stop for Tim Horton's (my fave) and lunch near Lincoln Center we were ready to play. I love this playground so much. I took my class on a trip here and they had a blast. Emme had a lot of fun in the sprinklers which were icy cold. Jeanine said the water felt like shards of glass hitting her skin but that didn't stop Emme.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Outdoor Music Class

Listening for directions from Ernie
Shaking and Drumming!

During our town's fourth of July celebration there was a music demo class from Music Together. We go to classes regularly and Emme really loves it. It is very hands on. Even Jeanine got in on the fun and it was good to see Ernie our teacher but it was very hot. Later that night Emme and I went back to the park to see the fireworks and it took every ounce of strength to keep her from getting on the stage with the band! Once the fireworks started she sat on my lap and liked them. She wasn't scared at all. We got to ride the school bus back to the parking lot and she liked that a lot too. It was a very fun day.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

My First Popsicle

It was a hot weekend at Blackthorne doing a dog trial so Lauren went and got some popsicles and shared with Emme. She didn't know what to think of it at first but she ate as much as could before it melted. This is Emme and her "pop!"

Monday, June 14, 2010

Library Class

Today I enrolled Emme in a free library class called Movers and Shakers. While we were at the library Emme picked out some books. Here she is riding in the car reading her new books she picked out all by herself.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Trip to Stew Leonard's


Emme and the baby calf

Every two weeks I trek to Stew's for Emme's milk and some fresh fruit and veggies etc. On most afternoons you purchase milk that was freshly milked that am. I love the Danbury Stew's because they have such a nice petting farm. Emme loves the baby calf there. She is so friendly. She licks and snuzzles into your hand. Emme is such an animal lover. She is not too fond of insects though. This trip I finally took my camera to get some cute shots of Emme at the petting farm.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Jeanine's Shower

Jeanine and Kevin
Most of the girls in the wedding party
(Theresa, Katie, Tara, Tiana, Emme, Jeanine, Michelle, Selma, Hallie, Lynn and Leanne)
Missing from photo Kate, Donna and Erin

Shower cupcakes!

Cupcake piggy!

Piggy loves her mama's cupcakes!

Jeanine's shower was today and it was awesome. She got lots of nice gifts and so many friends and family members were able to celebrate with her. Some of the boys even got to partake in the fun. Emme showed no shame in chowing down on the entire banana creme cupcake and all the fondant on it plus a large slice of cannoli cake.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Bobby!

I don't want to go!

Today we went to my in laws to celebrate Bobby's ?? birthday. Emme did not want to get in the car to go. She was very upset we couldn't stay and play outside but once she had a power nap in the car on the ride to Yonkers she enjoyed herself thoroughly between playing and eating yummy ice cream cake.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Musical Cupcakes

Every year my class and my mom's class do the Dance Festival together. We have to choose a song and choreograph a dance for the kids to perform in front of the entire school. Every class has to participate and I HATE IT! I dislike it so much because I cannot dance and I feel so stupid. My mom can't dance either. So this year I asked our music teacher who is awesome to help us with the dance. She was amazing and our dance came out super. The pressure was completely lifted. I have no problem following along once the moves are created. So we would have a mini lesson once a week learning the moves and then the other 3 practices I would drill the kids while my mom taped them or yelled at them to get where they needed to go. Not an easy feat with 42 4th graders and 1st graders but they worked it out and it was awesome. We did the song "Rock This Town." And to celebrate we threw a surprise thank you party for our fabulous music/dance festival teacher Ms. Mickelson. I made cupcakes and drew the music notes for the chorus of Rock This Town on them. I figured out where to download the music from and then created the cupcakes. Not easy either when I know zero about reading music but I just tried to copy exactly how the notes were. In the end they were delicious!