Wednesday, August 25, 2010


We took Emme to Disney World since we had to use a timeshare week or we would lose it. I was skeptical that there would not be enough at Disney that she could truly enjoy at her age but I was pleasantly surprised that there was more than enough for her to do. Yes there were a lot of rides that she could not go on but there were a ton that she could. We only planned on Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom at one day each as we had some passes left over from our trip in 2003! Best of all Emme was FREE!

We went to Animal Kingdom on the second day we were in Florida. It was the hottest day. We drank so much water and we rigged the spray fans we bought at Walmart onto her stroller so she could be cool. She loved all the animals and exhibits at Animal Kingdom and since that park closed early we hopped over to Magic Kingdom to see the fireworks.

The last day we went to Magic Kingdom and Emme loved all the rides and most especially meeting the "peencesses!" The above photos are all from Magic Kingdom. Notice the cute button- It says Celebrating My First Visit!

We decided to also visit Sea World also since Emme has an extreme love for animals. We scored a great deal on a 2 day pass. We didn't even know it was a two day pass- that is how great the price was. We ended up going for a full day and then just a half day to do some of the other shows we couldn't catch on the first day and repeat a few exhibits that Emme loved.

The vacation was amazing and we can't wait to take Emme again. Of course there had to be one down moment to the vacation- the night before we left Emme fell off of the chair in living room in our condo and smashed her head on the coffee table. I put a call into the doctor since she immediately had a knot on her head and she cried harder than I have ever heard before. The doctor said she would be fine and to watch for dizziness, vomiting and uncommon behavior. She was ok and slept the night although I think I checked on her a million times. As we pulled into the car rental return lot Emme vomited all over herself and her car seat. I am glad I am psycho and had a tub of clorox wipes handy. Paul hastily cleaned the car seat and shoved it into the car seat travel bag and I changed and cleaned up Emme. It was GROSS! We called the doctor back but they told us to fly that it was probably something she ate which it was. She was fine after that and an uneventful flight home. Until of course we opened the car seat bag to install the car seat back into our car back home in NY. YUCK!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

First Visit to the Bronx Zoo

Today was Emme's first visit to the Bronx Zoo. Aunt Jeanine got us a membership so we decided to trek on over. It was supposed to rain and when we got there it was EMPTY! Couldn't believe it for a day in the summer. We walked through Madagascar and maybe we saw three other people in the whole exhibit while we were there. It was great to let Emme just walk around at her own pace and explore. Can't wait to visit again.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Wasn't she supposed to ingest more than she wore?