Saturday, September 25, 2010

Emme keeps herself busy at the Contact Agility Trial. Since she can't run a dog yet she spends her days on the playground at the trial site and also watches her favorite dogs run!

Auntie Lauren & I match! We coordinate our trial gear all the time.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Picture Day

Emme had her school pictures today but I couldn't resist taking a few before school. Yes it is dark out- we leave for school around 6:20 am so the sun wasn't quite up yet.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Emme's Going to Be a Big Sister!!!!!

We are expecting a baby in early February and are very excited. Emme knows all about the baby in my belly and when we went for our first ultrasound Emme told the doctor that there was a baby on the ultrasound monitor which completely threw her. She was stunned that Emme could know that since it only looked like a little bean. Now Emme looks forward to seeing "baby" when we go to the doctor. I hope she will like it as much when it is born and cries and has to share Emme's mommy and daddy!
As for my pregnancy so far I feel great. I managed traveling to Disney and dealt with the heat. My feet have not swelled up like with Emme although it is still early. I feel very similar to my pregnancy with Emme- no sickness and feeling good. I am still running the dogs in agility and that actually makes me feel more energetic that on other days when I just want to shut my eyes and sleep all day. We shall see how it goes. We haven't decided yet if we are going to find out if it is going to be a boy or a girl.

Big Girl Booster Seat

An awesome consignment shop opened up near my house a few months ago. I have made some great purchases there. They have tons of stuff all in really good condition. I just purchased Emme this booster seat, which you cannot see in the picture, that allows Emme to sit at our high top table with us instead of in her high chair. She loves it- and so do we. We can all eat at the table together.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Corn on the Cob

This kid loves her fruit and veggies.