Friday, December 31, 2010

Picasso in the Making

I have been working on a mural in Emme's room since before she was born. Since her birth and going back to work it has been almost impossible to work on it for long periods of time. This Christmas break I broke out the paints and I let her paint her own picture while I was working on the wall. We had to cut our painting session short after she finished her beautiful masterpiece and then began painting her arms and hands! Maybe I will have the mural done before Baby Quinn moves into the room!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Educational Toys

My mom bought Emme this educational animal toy for Christmas and we tried it out today with great results. It comes with cards that you have to match the animals to based on pattens, where they live, letter or sounds etc. It is really for age 3 and up but I figured we could try some of the easier cards. Before we started I let Emme play with the animals to familiarize herself with them because from being a teacher you learn that kids need to play with the tools they are using for a few minutes before you can ask them to do anything with them. If you don't the child will be too interested in figuring out the "tool or toy" then what you are asking them to do. So I gave Emme the animals and we talked about each one and then on her own she started to put them into groups. I laughed to myself because I am so "OCD" with stuff that I think it has worn off a little on her. She did a great job though!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lunch Date at Friendly's with Papa Mike!

My first real ice cream cone that I am eating by myself. Thanks Papa Mike for lunch and ice cream. Now we are off to help Papa buy a new car!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I Love My Christmas Toys!

Here is Emme making cookies with her new toys she got for Christmas. Don't you just love the medusa hair do??

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Well I got about an hour and a half of sleep last night preparing for today. This morning we had Paul's side of the family over for breakfast. This was the first trip up to visit since he received his new lung in June. We just had construction done on the inside of our house and I have been manic trying to get rid of all the dust! Just little things need to be finished like moldings and staining but the bulk of the construction is done. We now have a new basement which Emme is modeling off in the picture above, a new entryway, new tile floors in basement, hallway and laundry room downstairs, new front door and a new master bath.

We had a delicious breakfast with them and since we already exchanged gifts with them we waited to have Emme open up our gifts until the afternoon when my family came up. She wasn't looking to run downstairs just yet and tear up the place! Maybe next year! After everyone left we prepared the food for dinner. Then my parents, Jeanine and Kevin came and we ate again! Emme had an awesome day. Thank you to everyone for celebrating with us and for all the wonderful gifts!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve at the Farm Stand

Our good friends the DiNardos invited us again to their wonderful Christmas Eve feast at the Farm Stand. This year it was really a lot of fun for Emme since she can run around with her friends. The food was fantastic as always and the company was great too. This year Marianne's mother in law decorated a tree with little favors that the kids took as they left. All the children are definitely sleeping well tonight!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas at the Quinns and Grandma Q & Paul Jr's Birthdays

We celebrated Christmas a little early at my in laws since the holidays are a crazy time in our family. It was really nice to spread it out too so Emme wasn't opening a million things on Christmas Day. We also did my mother in law's and Paul Jr's birthday too so they got to have an extra celebration day!

Emme's favorite part of any party- the dessert! Hmm wonder who she gets that from! 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Annual Holiday Card Crapshoot er... I mean photoshoot!

So it took 6 adults, a whole bag of doggie treats and loads of patience to get the fnal shots for my parents' annual holiday card. My dad managed to fall on the floor and not break anything and no one ended up killing any other human or animal although it was close. There was minimal swearing however but much less than last year. Here are a few of my favorite oopsie shots!
 Jerry "STAY, no kisses thank you!"

 No Emme you stay too!

Emme giving Smartie a shot!

Um Brody- you are supposed to be sitting not trying to get Tom to play with you.

We can't wait until next year when we add two more babies and ?? more dogs to this photo! Yes that's right I am due in February and Jeanine is having a baby and due in August!!! Kevin is already having anxiety over next year's shot!