Friday, August 26, 2011

Emme & Jack's First Frozen Yogurt Experience!

Holy WOW! This was a cool experience for all of us except Lauren who is a regular! Emme loved picking out her toppings and taste testing the flavors. Even Jack got in on the action. SO much fun and just as expensive as King Kone but better. Too bad it is so far. Thanks Lauren- it was great seeing you!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Child Labor???

I think not! This is merely a game of  "Pick the Peas and Throw Them in the Pot!" She had such a fun time. Well until I told her to stop eating them all!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jack's First Strawberry

Cortlandt Farm Market has delicious fresh fruit, vegetables.. (plants, Christmas trees etc) We make all our own baby food for the kids and we get almost everything fruit and vegetable here! They are super nice too. Oh yeah and another favorite thing is the delicious apple cider donuts!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Music Together

 Emme & Daddy singing along with Mr. Ernie.
 I see a future drummer here!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Parents' New House!

This is the exciting news I couldn't wait to share. My parents just moved into their new house. NEXT DOOR TO ME! We are all so excited to have them so close. It will be so awesome for Emme and Jack to be able to walk next door to Grammy & Papa's house as they get older. AND my old neighbor used to be a piano tuner and he had an upright piano in the house which he sold to my parents. I am so super excited because we really want the kids to learn piano and now we don't have to figure out where to put one in our house!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Just Jack

 Jack is doing a good job with his fruit feeder thing. You cut up large chunks of fruit and pop them in the is neat mesh feeder and they can suck and chew on it but cannot choke! Ingenious. Emme loved it and Jack is doing a good job hanging onto it! He did end up needing help. He has to start lifting weights to strengthen up those arm muscles!
So stinking cute! Watch out ladies!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Peas and Piano

 THIS will be hers one day!!! Exciting news coming soon!
Not sure Jack was into the peas here. He was not digging the texture the first few bites but then was ok with it.