Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Follow Up Cardiologist Appt

 Today Jack had his follow up appointment with Dr. Crowe. Jack was born with several small holes in his heart . After our initial visit several months ago, it was determined that these holes should close on their own and if they do not they will become smaller as Jack grows bigger and therefore will not hinder him in any way. I was basically told that this was the "best heart condition" anyone could ever ask for! There was also a fetal structure that was still present on our first visit which was also thought to disappear as Jack grew. So today his EKG looked awesome and Jack "helped" the doctor check his heart during the ultrasound. The fetal structure did indeed disappear and the holes are still there but much smaller that they can only be seen on contrast ultrasound. This was great news. We have another follow up after Jack's first birthday.

After our appointment we were on our way to picket with the Verizon workers and stopped in to visit Aunt Jeanine and new baby cousin Kaitlyn. Jack is only 5 months older and he looks gargantuan compared to Kaitlyn and she weighed more than him at birth!

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