Thursday, July 5, 2007

Smartie's First Trial

On June 23-24th Smartie and Tom competed in a trial at Blackthorne in upstate NY. We loaded the car after school ended with Tom, Jerry and Smart-o on Friday and my dad and I headed up 2 1/2 hrs to East Durham. We had a good weekend other than having to switch rooms three times, severe sunburn issues and our tent self destructing! Smartie did great for her first trial and my dad didn't fall down!! A little out of breath but they both had a great time. Smartie only knocked a few bars down but she just started practicing 20in jumps two months ago and she was jumping 22 all weekend. She has dropped her weight nicely and strengthened her hind legs which is very important because she has mild displaysia. The vet has said keeping her active and doing agility will be beneficial in keeping her displaysia at bay.

Jerry had a good time walking around getting used to the sights and sounds of trialing. He tried to run for every piece of equipment and couldn't figure out why he couldn't play too. As for Tom he continues to throw me for loops. Saturday he had an excellent run but dropped one bar. He was focused and I was all over him thinking he would be loony like the last runs at the last trial. Everyone commented on how improved he was since last time. Well that didn't last. On Sunday he was back to his unfocused old self again. We will definitely be addressing this and hopefully he will grow out of some of it. (I hope!!!) I hate having people think he is vicious when he is such a softie at heart. He is deathly afraid of my friend Marianne's poodle Boots! Maybe he just needs those other Border Collies to give him a mean face. Who knows?? I feel bad for him :(

Anyway my dad can't wait to trial again but I think I am going to wait until the Fall to trial again and maybe only do one run and get him used to the atmosphere more. By then Tom will be 2 and hopefully more mature- ha!!!

Happy Birthday to BOOTS who turned 7 on Sunday, July 1st!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Smartie and Tom! The pictures look great!

Oh, and what was that mention of Miss Boots? She sounds like a vicious poodle! Ha Ha! Thanks for the birthday wish!