Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Saratoga Springs Trial

Tom & Nemo Pairs Partners
(our first pairs Q's!)

What a great event run by Y Agility by Donna and Brian Young. We all love their trials. The big highlights were Nemo and Tom got a pairs Q together. Tom got his Standard Q even after the timer didn't start and we flawlessly ran the first five obstacles. The judge was great though because she made us rerun the whole thing for time but wasn't counting the first five obstacles as we reran it since we had no mistakes the first time. Lucky us because Tom dropped two bars! He then went on without error to complete the course and get a Q. Smartie, Hailey and Sailor all picked up ribbons and Q's and the weekend was really nice. We stayed at a Residence Inn ( I slept on a cot in the kitchen!) and ate at some great restaurants each night. (plates of cotton candy larger than my eyes could handle!) Definitely worth a revisit next year. The greatest thing for us too was everyone won something in the raffle. We won a wooden jump!
ALSO BIG NEWS--- Tom got his A.D. at this trial. This is his Agility Dog Title. He has completed 3 Q's in Standard and at least one Q in Jumpers, Gamblers, Snooker and Pairs. He has officially moved up to Advanced Level in Standard and Jumpers. You can move up in Jumpers, Gamblers, Snooker and Pairs with only one Q as long as you have 3 in Standard but we will work for three Q's in each event to get us ready for the higher level.
I can't believe I do not have a picture of him and his rainbow ribbon. I will have to post one later.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Nemo & Ella's Luau Birthday party

Nemo & Ella celebrated their birthday this past weekend with a luau theme. Everyone including dogs came dressed for the occasion. Tom & Jerry had a fun time playing with all the other dogs and Tom got the ultimate party favor- a tennis ball that squeaks- no more multi tasking of dribbling the tennis ball down the path and squeaking a toy at the same time when he can now run and squeak with one toy. However he needs to lay off the tennis balls. I found out they are like sandpaper on teeth after a while and Tom has worn down a few of his teeth to the point they will need to be pulled if he continues! Enjoy the pics!

PCOTC trial at FDR Park

This weekend Tom, Smartie and the crew participated in our club's annual trial. My dad ran Tom on Friday when I had to work and boy was I glad- it was a monsoon here in NY. When I came home from work to pick up Tom at the trial I almost didn't recognize him. He was soaked to the bone and shaking even though all the dogs were under our massive tent structure and safe from wind and rain. I will try to post a picture of our "compound" during Saratoga's trial. My dad's rain gear practically self destructed and everyone seemed to be walking their dogs on course because of the mud and rain to avoid injury. Tom got his frist AKC Qualification during the monsoon with my dad! Saturday Tom was fabulous 3 for 3. Three first place Qualifications. On Sunday he got another Q for me for Mother's Day. His trial behavior is imprvoing! My dad ran Smartie well but she was plagued with a drop bar every run so no "Qs." Everyone had a good time. Hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day. My dogs bought me a Dogwalk for Mother's Day. I will have to post a picture of that too.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Tom, Jerry, Abbie & Smartie

Today was the ACS DOGSWALK at Bear Mountain and it turned out to be a really nice DRY day. I spent $50 on raincoats for the dogs yesterday so that our cars wouldn't smell like wet dog all the way home but now I can return them! Paul and I raised $951 and our team raised $1688. This was amazing. Next year we hope to raise $1000 for our team. Thank you to all who donated.

Smartie, my dad & Abbie

Jeanine & Abbie

Teammates Fiona & Diesel

As for the walk itself we had a great time. We walked around Hessian Lake and we miraculously made it to the finish line without Smartie ending up in the lake. There were great vendors who gave out a lot of free stuff and this year my dad and I entered some contests. Abbie did the "Best Tail Wag" contest and came in second place. Tom did the "Best Trick" contest and sang to Fergie's Big Girls Don't Cry in front of 500+ people. He didn't win anything but everyone thought he was too funny. Too bad they didn't play Goo Goo Dolls. He would have rocked the house. Jerry entered the "Musical Sit" contest and kicked butt. He came in first place and won a new Comfort Lead from J&B Wholesale.

Abbie's winning tail

Jerry doesn't look too coordinated here but don't let that fool you. He came in first place in the Musical sit!

Tom singing

My dad and I also bought a "dog's length of tickets apiece and we ended up both winning a prize in the raffle. I won a gift basket from Paws of Distinction with over $150 worth of pet products including organic dog shampoo, a new ceramic food bowl, fleece lined collar and leash, coat shiner, toys and a year's worth of gourmet dog biscuits plus more stuff I can't remember right now. My dad won a dog house and a whole bag full of tennis balls and dog toys from Petco. We had such a nice time and it was all for a great cause.

Friday, May 2, 2008

A Day at the Park

Last weekend we went over to FDR to cheer on my dad and Smartie in Rally and Obedience. While we were there we took some nice nature shots and some pictures of the PCOTC competitors.