Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Update 24+ weeks

Baby Quinn- 24 weeks 2 days 1 pound 11 ounces!

Today I went for my second Anatomy Scan. The first time Baby Quinn was not very cooperative and the doctor could not get some pics of the face because its hands and arms were covering it the whole time and also the left arm because it was not where it was supposed to be. It was across the face because "stubborn" baby wouldn't put it down. They also could not see the blood vessels around the baby's heart clearly because the baby was still too small so they told me to come back in a month.

After an hour waiting we were finally seen. The techs poked around for an hour or so and got all they needed. Baby Quinn is perfect they say. The doctor then came in to check for herself and agreed and also gave us a sneak peek at what 3-D ultrasound looks like. It is still about 5 weeks too early since the baby right now is just skin covering bone- very little fat. But of course Baby Quinn got wind of it and put itself in that familiar position of hands, arms and yes even legs across the face. Oh wait and yes the baby even yanked up the cord to partially cover itself too. The doctor thought this was comical but she was nice to keep trying to get us a pic of the baby in 3-D. We did get one but the leg is straight up against the right ear and the cord looks like a snake is crawling along baby's chest. The picture is not really good considering the baby is still small and there is really no fat on it. The baby weighed in at 1 pound 11 ounces already! Good to know some of the weight I gained is baby!

Here is another side profile including a bent leg off to the right and the cord all bunched up because someone thinks its a toy. Watch out for your tails Tom and Jerry!

For a good visual- my uterus is the size of a soccer ball already! Yikes and I still have 16 weeks to go. Hopefully it will not grow too fast or I will be begging for immediate evacuation once baby hits 7 pounds! LOL I am sure Baby Quinn has a plan of its own though. Enjoy the pics.

Here is the 3-D image. It shows the leg straight up on the left, the front of the face and the cord all bunched up under its chin. Not bad for a free picture.

Happy Birthday TOM!


Delicious cupcakes

Tom turned three on September 23rd and what better way to celebrate than at an agility trial with all of his friends. He had a Thomas the Tank themed party complete with party box favors for all the doggies and yummy personalized cupcakes made by his momma. He even sang Happy Birthday to himself when we started to sing.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Contact Trial

Yes I am still running my dogs at 24 weeks pregnant. I feel great and my doctor says keep going until it is uncomfortable, hurts or makes me dizzy. I am even allowed to fall down but I managed to keep my balance even though Tom fell off the dogwalk during gamblers. He was fine although it was very scary. JoAnna's mom took some great videos of Tom. Enjoy. This is what agility is about- running and leading your dog around a course quickly with little to no mistakes taking the shortest path and of course handling your dog correctly. I think Tom & I did a pretty good job considering I am 24 weeks pregnant. Thanks Mrs. Lou for the videos. Tom ran 4 runs on Saturday and four runs on Sunday. There are videos for a few of them. And yes it is a lot harder than it looks.
Here are the videos of Tom and me

Here are the videos of my dad and Smartie

Saturday, September 20, 2008

An update on my Father in Law

My father in law Bob has been in the hopsital battling pneumonia- related breathing issues since August 8th. He is looking and sounding better but still needs lots of prayers that this "sick stuff" gets better fast.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Baby Check up 21+ Weeks

Everything is good so far. I even got to eat a hot dog! Two more appointments during Week 24!

Blackthorne Trial

This past weekend was our Fall trial at Blackthorne and I have to say I think Smartie rocked it all. She cleaned up and took home ribbons from 7 events out of 11. Not bad at all. She also received her Starters Snooker title and is now in the Advanced level of Snooker. She ran beautifully all weekend and really is jumping nicely. She was so close to her Standard title but dropped the last bar. Smartie and Henry came in second and Q'd in pairs and immediately following that run Smartie had to run again as an accommodating dog and came in first and got her partner a Q! Go Smartie.

Congrats to Meg with Sailor and Susette with Marea on their A.D. titles and Standard titles.

Tom, Hailey and Ella picked up some Q's too and had some really nice runs. I have to say this is the first trial ever Tom ran under control all 11 runs. No sightseeing- his eyes were all on me.

Jerry ran twice (four obstacles each time) and if you blinked you missed it. He had a great time and so did I. He is so stinking fast and will be hard to beat one day when his brain catches up with his body!

Congrats to Tom and Jerry's brothers War and Rukh who picked up their ADTCH titles. Maybe one day ( a long time from now) we might get an ADTCH- and also only after I figure out what all those initials stand for! :)

Thanks to Donna and Brian Young and Y Agility for putting on a great trial as always!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to Work

Well September finally arrived and so did a new school year. I have to say I was very excited to start the year with the very same class as last year minus a few- one left :( for private school, one was placed in a special needs room (at least I get to see her every day) and the problem child switched schools. I think his mom was so annoyed I called everyday to discuss his poor, disruptive and dangerous behavior she couldn't deal with it anymore! Hopefully he stays at this new school and gets the help he needs.

All the rest of the kids are great and were so excited to be back. One said, "It's just like a long weekend and now we are back." Another said, "Now we are just taller!" I was a little nervous about the first day telling them I was pregnant- I guess not nervous about them but their parents. However everyone is very excited and I know I will get them ready before I leave for maternity leave so things will be fine. I told the kids the baby can hear everything so I shouldn't have to yell or scream and they should be quiet too. So one little genius turns to my belly and yells HI BABY!!!! So much for following directions better now that we are in fourth grade.