Monday, October 27, 2008

Baby Update 28 Weeks

Well guess what I still am not going to tell you if it's a boy or girl but things are still going great. We had a little scare with my leg swelling up like a tree trunk 2 weeks ago but that was all attributed to me 1. outlet shopping for over 7 hours straight on a Thursdays 2. going to the zoo on a class trip on Friday 3. running two days straight with Tom at an agility tournament on Sat and Sun 4. doing all of this while commuting over 12 hours those four days! By the way Tom did great!

As for the baby it is fabulous- kicking, moving a lot and of course mastering the bladder poke. This baby is even head down for now. Hopefully it stays that way and my doctor said it should. I even had the first Braxton Hicks contraction that almost knocked me on the floor. It was awful. I decided I am not ready for any more of those just yet! Baby Quinn is measuring approx 2 lbs 12 oz and is measuring within range for 28 weeks for all measurements and they didn't change my due date. That doesn't mean I haven't started my Christmas shopping. You can never be too prepared. More on Bay Quinn in two weeks after the next appt.

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