Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another Wedding!!

This weekend has been crazy with making a specialty cake, a rehearsal dinner, enteratining out of town family, my sister's wedding, brunch and then another wedding. This time Paul's brother Christopher was getting married. Emme and I arrived late and missed the ceremony but everyone said it was really nice and intimate. It was held at a really nice restaurant and the food was good too. I think Emme's favorite part was devouring the many types of Crumbs cupcakes April & Christopher chose for dessert. It was so nice to see some of Paul's family we don't get to see too often and of course it was nice to see the ones that we do see often!
The best part was Paul's dad was able to come and enjoy all the festivities and people since he recently received a lung transplant only one month before the wedding.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Jeanine & Kevin's Wedding!!!!!!

Jeanine and Kevin got married at the Fountainhead and the reception was really great. Picture taking was an adventure. I was running late as usual because I let Emme take a nice long nap so she wouldn't be cranky all night and as I was walking carrying Emme toward my sister, father and photographer a light fixture fell out of the ceiling at the hotel and hit me smack in the head! It was hot and it hurt like hell but good thing I was wearing a ton of fake hair so my scalp didn't end up burned! Also it didn't hit Emme or you would now be making a reservation at the Michelle Quinn Rye Town Hilton!!!!

It was so awesome to see most of my family that I never get to see and they were able to finally meet Emme. She was such a trooper. By 10:00pm she was snoozing in her stroller in the reception hall sound asleep with music blaring and so much noise. Jeanine and Kevin looked great. I must say that Keith and my speeches were the most awesome speeches a best man and maid of honor could give. Usually you are lucky if you get one good speech at a wedding and Jeanine and Kevin were lucky to get two. Sorry Jeanine that you were so nervous about my speech but hey what are sisters for. I figure I have the rest of my life to embarrass you!!! haha Special thank you to Allison who dog sat for Smartie, Abbie, Tom Jerry and Breeze and managed to keep my house in one piece and also for coming to the reception and wrangling all the kiddos allowing the parents to enjoy themeselves!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jeanine & Kevin's Rehearsal Dinner

Tonight was Jeanine and Kevin's rehearsal dinner and it was awesome. Emme ran around the church saying "Jesus, Jesus!" but the rehearsal went off without a hitch. We were late of course but I had been crazily busy all day doing a surprise gift for Kevin from Jeanine. She decided I was as good as Cake Boss and employed me no wait DEMANDED I make him a "specialty cake." All I have to say is that I was thoroughly impressed with my masterpiece and so was everyone else. Not only did it look good, it tasted fabulous too! Emme completely stole the show at the rehearsal dinner with Colin and Josh and my sister and Kevin presented their bridal army, I mean party with such lovely and thoughtful gifts. She made me an awesome scrapbook of our sisterhood! Can't wait to party tomorrow!!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sesame Place

Paul and I ventured to Pennsylvania and took Emme to Sesame Place. She absolutely loved it. She rode on all the big kid slides with Paul and loved having breakfast with the characters. We are definitely coming back later in the summer. She played straight through naptime and fell asleep sitting up around 5 while we were on line for ice cream! Here are some highlights from the day.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July

This is my absolute favorite shot. I don't know what it is but it reminds me of something you would see on a magazine cover. You can really tell these two have such a love for animals. I don't know what Boots was doing that was so funny but they got a real kick out of it.

Today we all went over to Marianne and Dom's to have a fourth of July BBQ. We played and went swimming in the pool and the girls had fun playing. Here are the girls modeling their red, white and blue.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Feeding Herself

Emme fed herself two bowls of Chex today without too much of a mess. She was shoveling it in like a pro. She has attempted using a spoon before but this was the most effective using we have seen so far. What a big girl! Tom was very upset there wasn't too much for him flung on the floor.