Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I am so excited to say that Tom Jones is only one leg away from his ADCH which is a huge accomplishment for us. Memorial Day weekend we were in Saratoga for Y Agility's trial and we Super Q'ed on a really tough course that ate up a lot of greedy competitors who were going for lots of points. We kept it simple which is so hard since I have been trying to get this last snooker leg for awhile but we did it and we placed fourth. What I thought was even cooler was that Tom's sister Bean with Shannon Kelly and his cousin Zeke with Jeannie Bonsignore also placed and super Q'ed too on the same course!

We have been competing now for almost 4 years and I have had two babies during that time. I have taken a good amount of time off and Tom is always so good about jumping right back into the game. We have has some ups and downs but I have truly loved every second so far. Coming this far is an accomplishment in itself. Now all we need is a pairs leg and it will be our ADCH! Then we can set our next agility goal!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Getting Big

Baby Jackie is getting big- FAST. He is really trying to sit himself up, has great control of his head and is grabbing at things and putting them into his mouth. Here he is for the first time in his high chair eating his number links.

On another note I have been back to work now for three weeks. It is so tough leaving both of them so early in the morning at their school to go teach at my school. I am finally into a good schedule at my job where I am back with my class, pumping on a good schedule and I am getting stuff done. We are very busy preparing for the dance festival that will be in two weeks. HUGE THANKS to Allison Mickelson for helping out so so so so so much choreographing our dance. My mom, Marianne, myself and all of our students cannot thank you enough. I am sure it will be great!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bathtime with Elmo

What could Jack possibly be staring so hard at? His Elmo toy that is hanging from my cabinet knob. Since I find it extremely easy to bath him on my kitchen counter I need to find something that would keep my counter/ cabinets/ anything on or near the tub dry from his "fountain." He likes to pee in the tub or should I say out of the tub! So I hung this Elmo bath toy that is waterproof from the cabinet and now when he pees, Elmo catches it! SO when tub time is over Elmo is cleaned right along with the tub and my kitchen remains dry and clean!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jack's First Trial

Breeze, Abbie, Smartie, Jerry, Jack, Emme, Tom, Maddie & ROO!
This was taken on the last day of my first trial back after having Jack. We didn't get any Q's but we ran a ton. It felt great getting back into the swing of things even though I know it will be a slow, long process of getting back into shape and the dogs too! Jerry has shown a lot of maturing and he follows the courses better instead of doing "his own thing." Tom is amazing- just jumped back in and all of the mistakes we made were mine so I can't complain. My mom is exhausted after now having to keep an eye on two but good thing Jack is still staioned in his stroller. Wait until both kids are up and moving. Hopefully by then Emme will be running her own dog! ( the two dogs on the right are our friend Lauren's dogs- ROO stays with us when Lauren goes away on long trips- she is so fun and Emme loves her)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hanging Out

 Jack amuses himself at dog trials by sleeping A LOT! We are outdoors all day so he gets a lot of fresh air.

 Emme loves to be in the ex-pen. This is her choice. She likes to be locked up with the dogs. She sings to them and dances around them and occasionally snuggles up with one and rests. Don't worry someone is always watching her with them. We don't just lock her up and go run our dogs. My mom is stationed just outside the gate with Jack.
Here is Jack's first picture at Stew Leonard's Little Farm!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Random Pictures




                                Look at me... I still have Blue eyes!!!!!!!!!!

Emme faking sleep and Jerry the protector keeping an eye on Jackie!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

 Today we hung out at home for Mother's Day. Paul cooked breakfast and let me nap a little which I never get to do. The kids made awesome projects at school for me with the help of their wonderful teachers of course. Paul got me a nice spa gift certificate from the kids and the dogs. Now we just have to get Paul to stay home and babysit! It was agreat day.

After dinner Ellen surprised us with a visit. We haven't seen Ellen in awhile so it was a nice surprise.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day Project and Dinner

Emme is up to her 5th pin on her Home Depot apron. Today we went to Home Depot for the Kid's Project Day. We love going because we work on little wooden projects together that are easy and it's FREE. Today Emme made a Mother's Day planter with Paul.


Later that night we went to dinner with Paul's side of the family to celebrate Mother's Day. Here are a few shots from the evening of Aunt Keri and Emme sharing dessert and Uncle Bob and Baby Jackie sharing a nap!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My dad won a raffle for tickets to the Intrepid last year so of course we waited until the day before they expired to use them. We had a great time. I'd never been to the Intrepid before so it was great to finally get to go. Emme loved all the fun kids' stuff and the arts and crafts. Jack decided that today was the day he was going to poop and it was a mess. I had to wash out his jeans in the sink and then tried to dry them using the hand dryers! The drying wasn't too successful but one of the staff members offered to throw it in the clothes dryer they have there! I was so worried about bringing a change of clothes for the potty training princess, I never thought to bring extra clothes for Jack. After the Intrepid we went to dinner at a really good diner nearby. To top off the day Mr Jack pooped again and had to wear Emme's pants home.