Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Getting Big

Baby Jackie is getting big- FAST. He is really trying to sit himself up, has great control of his head and is grabbing at things and putting them into his mouth. Here he is for the first time in his high chair eating his number links.

On another note I have been back to work now for three weeks. It is so tough leaving both of them so early in the morning at their school to go teach at my school. I am finally into a good schedule at my job where I am back with my class, pumping on a good schedule and I am getting stuff done. We are very busy preparing for the dance festival that will be in two weeks. HUGE THANKS to Allison Mickelson for helping out so so so so so much choreographing our dance. My mom, Marianne, myself and all of our students cannot thank you enough. I am sure it will be great!!

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