Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Fox 5 News

A doctor I have been seeing for my migraines primarily to learn Biofeedback techniques was chosen to be taped by Fox 5 News' Dr. Sapna Parikh for an upcoming segment she will be doing on the benefits of Biofeedback. The doctor had to choose a patient to demonstrate these techniques on and to be interviewed and she chose ME! The best part was that the news people wanted to tape a part about me and "my life" (specifically something that I may not have been able to do if my migraines could not have been controlled as they are) so I chose to be taped with Tom and Jerry of course. So today we went to the park and played psycho frisbee and ball and did tricks for the camera. Tom and Jerry even ate cookies off the camera's lens! They were so cute and Dr. Parikh wanted to walk Jerry and he--> all thirty strong pounds of him dragged her petite little self all over the field. They were very cute. The interview was hard though. I didn't think I would be nervous but I really was. I could almost feel a tension headache coming..... :) Then the session at the doctor's office where we demonstrated some of the breathing techniques went great. I guess it will be weird to see me with all that stuff on me and my eyes closed (what I really look like) I wore black to look skinnier! :)

The day was so nice to be off. I really did miss my class though. I worked so hard last week and all weekend for parent conferences and tomorrow I have a late meeting and I will end up working most of the aftenoon so I kind of felt like it was a deserved day off but I was also really happy to help out this doctor. She is really great and had helped out a lot this summer during our really unfortunate time. Before I left though I made sure Dr. Parikh (the Fox 5 medical reporter) had my contact info because I want to see if I can get a class trip to the news studio out of this deal. At least I won't feel so bad about missing a day on my kids.
So as for now the segment is scheduled to air next Tuesday, November 20, 2007 on the 10:00 News and then the next day on Good Day NY. It will also be on the website I will keep you posted if the date or times change.
AND YES BIOFEEDBACK REALLY WORKS. They didn't make me say that either!

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