Friday, August 8, 2008

Baby Checkup 16+ weeks

As for the baby I had yet another checkup. For the most part I go every two weeks because of my prior molar pregnancy not because there is anything wrong with this pregnancy. This pregnancy is not even labeled high risk, however because of all the emotional and physical changes with pregnancy and this being my first "normal" one, my doctors suggested me coming more frequently for my own piece of mind. Most visits I just get to hear the heartbeat and see the baby move during ultrasound and take home a souvenir pic. I think I have enough for a whole album and the baby isn't even here yet. As for this appointment I(Paul didn't get to go- he had to deal with the gutter installers) got to hear the heartbeat which was normal and I got to see the baby somersaulting around and waving its fingers and kicking its legs. The doctor was able to get a good view of between the baby's legs so we kind of know what we are having but since I am going for the anatomy scan in a week and a half we are going to wait until then to really believe it. Those should be really nice pics and the best thing about that ultrasound is I DO NOT have to drink any water because the machine is so good it doesn't need a full bladder to detect everything. YEA!

The baby was also tested for spina bifida and I was tested early for gestational diabetes since diabetes runs in my family. I should have results when I get back from Las Vegas. And my blood type was finally decided. I am definately heterosomething O positive but since I received a positive from my dad and the negative trait from my mom I am a weak D which means I DEFINATELY have to be treated as O Negative forever! How weird. Oh well at least now I know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that everything is going well.