Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Westfield Trial

This past weekend we traveled to Massachusetts for an agility trial and this time not only did Tom compete but Jerry was old enough to get in on some action too. In USDAA dogs cannot compete until they are 18 months old. Even though Jerry is not really ready for a whole competitive starters course I decided to take on a different route with him than I did when I first started with Tom and put him out there for two events. When I started with Tom he wasn't quite ready to begin and I jumped in there and did a bunch of events and it was too much. He became overwhelmed because I had no experience and I didn't know how to handle certain things not ever competing before. So from that Tom developed some issues that we are still working on that cost us some Q's.

For Jerry I decided to enter two events Gamblers where you choose your own course and Standard that has a set course. I decided before hand I was going to pick four or five obstacles in an easy sequence on both events and just go out and have fun. I chose things I knew Jerry really could do with no problem and I wanted to practice his sit stay because I know he has a great one.
I figured I wouldn't be stressed because I wasn't running to win and it would give Jerry some quality time out there in the ring and he wouldn't be stressed either. It turned out great. He had lots of tunnels and chutes which he loves and I got some contacts in there too which he was great on too. He slid off the end of the see saw once after getting a touch and then he righted himself which got him a whistle but it was at the end of our 5 obstacle sequence and his jumping was ok. He dropped a bar or two because of his speed and inability to really figure out his stride just yet.
In the end I think it was a great experience for both of us.

As for Tom he had a good weekend too. We completed our second trial of all Advanced events and we came close on both Snooker courses missing a Q both times by one point but we placed second. We had some issues on popping on poles for Standard and then I wasn't calling out obstacles mostly because I was trying to save my breath since the baby is taking up some good room compacting my lungs! so Tom started pulling away and refusing tunnels and a jump on Sunday. In Jumpers he dropped a bar on Saturday and on Sunday he decided to take a few off course jumps so we will keep working on it. Gamblers was great on Saturday he got his first Advanced Gambler Q and came in third. Sunday's Gamblers was not good from the start I was in a bad position from the get go and it took time to get back on track so we didn't get enough points in the opening and it took awhile to get to the Gamble so the buzzer sounded before we were able to get the gamble but good thing was he did it so I know he can. Smartie dropped some bars this weekend costing her a lot of Q's but she got one in Gamblers which makes her one Q away from her title in Gamblers. She is also one away in Snooker and Standard!

As for me the weekend was very tiring and my feet were killing me when I finally got home. I can feel myself slowing up I guess because I have gained weight and my lungs are being squeezed. I don't know how I am going to walk forget about run come December and January. We have two more trials I am going to try to compete in so we will see how it goes.

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