Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tom's Last Trial of 2008

Well since I can't run Tom- then how could he have competed? My dad was willing to run Tom over Thanksgiving weekend and I must say I was quite surprised with what came about. My dad worked super hard to control the beast inside of Tom. No he wasn't charging other dogs or running like a psycho out of the ring. He was being a big fat momma's boy. He did whatever he could to make eye contact with me or run towards me ( who was very outside the ring.) This made running a course with a Tom quite difficult for my dad.

Tom is a very skilled dog but could not keep an entire run together without messing up because he was looking at me. Everyone though this was very comical knowing how Tom used to be. He had trouble focusing on me for a long time and now he can't seem to handle running without focusing on me. I was glad though that the very last run- Tom's first Master Jumpers run he ran "almost" clean. He dropped the first bar why? Why else- he was looking over his shoulder at me when my dad released him therefore knocking the bar down. My dad kept super control over him until a tunnel when he came out looking for me. He ran wide and was called for a refusal but my dad got him back and nailed the rest of the course. I was so proud of my dad for sticking with "stubborn" and making the best out of it.

I think it was just as hard on me knowing how good Tom is and I couldn't run him. I miss running but it would have been a complete disaster had I tried to get out there. I can't even fit a sneaker onto my right foot. Well let's hope the baby comes early enough for me to get some run thrus in!

Here are some great pics of Tom from trials earlier this year and his 2008 collection of ribbons!
(Thanks Barry Rosen for these great pics of Tom!)

Tom achieved 8 titles this year- Go Tom!

Starters- Standard, Jumpers, Gamblers, Snooker, Pairs

A.D. Agility Dog

Advanced- Jumpers, Gamblers ( and only one leg away each in Pairs and Snooker)

Next year's goal is Standard!!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! I was lazy and didn't take out my camera. We spent the morning at my mom's reinstalling the kitchen light that my dad decided needed a new light bulb. He dismantled the entire light and ripped it from the ceiling leaving exposed wires in his attempt to replace the bulb. He "forgot" the instructions Paul gave him when Paul put the new light in. So my mom had been without a kitchen light for several weeks. It took Paul standing on a stepstool, Jeanine standing on the counter trying to guide the screws of the fixture into the ceiling and me all 32 weeks of baby and all on a chair holding a flashlight as my mom sat with her eyes closed at the table. Perfect picture moment. We managed to get the light to stay up, work properly and no one fell or got electrocuted. Needless to say Paul volunteered to stop by any time the bulb needs to be changed in the future! We left Tom and Jerry at my mom and dad's and went to Paul's parents for Thanksgiving.

It was great to see my father in law home and enjoying himself. He is on the mend and getting stonger everyday. We ate lots of delicious food and I ended up cutting out fondant flowers for the bridal shower cupcake order I had to be finished with the next day. The night ended with MURDEROUS heartburn. So bad I swore birth could not be worse but I am sure I am mistaken.

Here is a sample of the bridal shower cupcakes.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Congratulations Dawn and Eileen

A co-worker Dawn and a friend Eileen recently had their baby showers. Dawn is due December 9th with a boy and Eileen is due three days before me with a girl! (I know I did not have a shower because I wanted to wait until after the baby was born but my sister is planning one for April so Baby Quinn won't be left out.) Here are the diaper cakes I made for their showers.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Baby Update 32 weeks

Well Baby Q has certainly grown a bit. Up to 4lbs 10 oz already and in the head down position which is always nice. The doctor said it will be hard for the baby to move because of the size and it keeps dropping lower so that makes it more difficult too. We started the birthing class which is very interesting. Hopefully soon we will set up the tour to visit the maternity ward and birthing rooms so it won't be so unfamiliar when we finally end up there. Next week I go for my final growth scan because of my thyroid to make sure the baby is growing in proportion. I am actually measuring a week ahead on the measurements my doctor did with her machine today. Next week we will see if this is all accurate with the nice machine at the hospital.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Good News

My father in law was released from Burke this week and will be home to celebrate Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Update on My Father in Law

My father in law was finally transferred to a rehab center today after being in the hospital for three months. He will need physical and pulmonary therapy to strengthen his body and lungs. Hopefully he will be home in time for Thanksgiving. I know he can't wait to wrap all those Christmas presents and sleep in his own bed!