Friday, May 29, 2009

A Class Full of Germies

Last Monday I arrived at Emme's school to pick her up in the afternoon to find that 7 out of 13 kids were absent because of ear infections, step throat, croup and fever/flu. And it hasn't improved much since then. Emme wasn't herself that whole weekend and had a little cough and lots of snot but no fever so I sent her to school that morning. The teacher said they would check her temp later on especially if she was cranky. She had a well check up and immunization appt the next day but I wanted to get her in because I was SO sure she had to have an ear infection or something with all those kids being sick. I know as soon as one of the kids in my class gets sick everyone gets sick sooner or later even me. Who says kids don't like to share!

Emme survived school and we drove to the doctor to find out she is a very strong, healthy, wiggly and happy baby who had some fluid in her ears but no ear infection or fever. They were even nice enough to give her her shot and well check up that day. The doctor was very happy with her size and strength and wasn't concerned about her getting sick. The doctor said by exclusively nursing her helps her stay healthy and not fall prey to some of the common illnesses being passed back and forth in her class. So I look back onto those first weeks of nursing and realize that all that pain was so worth it. Not to say she won't ever get sick but I am certainly enjoying her good health right now.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More pics and Updates soon

Sorry for the lack of posting. I have been swamped with a huge calligraphy job that has been eating up most of my nights after Emme is asleep. I am finishing up all the last minute corrections and then I can post more about Brodie- Jeanine and Kev's new puppy, our exciting trial at Saratoga over Memorial Day, Emme's artwork and fun stuff about Emme.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Congratulations Jeanine

Someone thinks this rose is hers.

Well my sister has way too much time on her hands. ;) She has moved back from Philly, switched careers, got a second master's and adopted a new puppy, not to mention spoil her niece rotten. But a big Congrats to her on her recent achievement. Here are a few pics from the big day. Emme enjoyed herself at the graduation and was not fazed at all by all the people, air horns etc.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Tom and Smartie had a great trial. My dad ran Tom on Thursday and Friday and he collected a bunch of first places and Q's. Tom also got his Novice FAST title this weekend and his OPEN JWW title. I got him a few Q's too on Saturday and Sunday. The best news was Smartie got her first ever AKC Q in Novice Standard. As for my yearly trial present- Tom and Jerry purchased an agility table for us to practice with at home. Our agility equipment family is growing. A big thanks to Grammy Jones and Poppa Mike for giving Tom and Jerry the funds to buy the table.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Anniversary Aunt Jackie and Uncle Peter

We had a great time visiting my dad's side of the family for my aunt and uncle's 40th wedding anniversary. It was a little crazy leaving in the middle of a trial to get to Long Island on a Saturday but we got there. In the middle of all this craziness, I forgot to tell Paul he had to wear a jacket and tie--"momnesia" so Paul got stuck wearing the rental jacket from the country club. He ended up having a lot of fun with the jacket and didn't want to give it back. It was a 1940 tweed pattern. I swear I thought he might kill me but he let me off the hook.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mother's Day Present

Before I opened them

Emme made me some very creative gifts at school. (Her teachers helped her a little!) I am so lucky to have such a great place to send her where she can do lots of fun, creative and educational things. By the way she has been rolling over both ways-hooray. Just last night Jerry came into her room where she was rolling from side to side and he laid down and rolled onto his back. Too cute.

The awesome gifts she made

Emme's First Weeks of School

Well Emme (and I survived) our first few weeks of school! Emme goes to a fabulous daycare that does so many wonderful things with the kids. They follow a curriculum and the first week's theme was Bugs. Emme has painted several times where a part of her body- arm, heel, hand, palm finger was dipped into paint and then was pushed onto the paper to make different shapes and pictures. She has created a number of paintings already. I will have to start her portfolio! She also does other sensory activities such as mirrors and texture things. They read books and hear music everyday too. She has tummy time at school and has started to roll over both ways. I let her roll around on our floor but she gets licked to death by Tom and Jerry. Tom and Jerry are more excited to see her when we get home and insist on "cleaning her." She has transitioned very well and is eating and sleeping there well too. And we are very excited to say she is still sleeping through the night at home. I thought maybe this would not continue since we no longer giver her 1-2 ozs of formula in her bedtime bottle but she must be so tired. As for me school is good. The kids really missed me and I am happy to have them back into our routine. Pumping at work is a chore since I do it three times during the school day. I hope to keep up my milk supply though. I made it through three weeks so far without having to go into my reserves in the freezer or supplement with formula. Hopefully I can continue to do this.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Emme Loves her Exersaucer

A big thanks to Aunt Marianne, Uncle Dom, Natalie and Boots for the exersaucer. Emme is already in it and smacks at the toys. She also loves to stand in it and watch her Baby Einstein which by the way is my savior! Natalie taught her to cry though when the credits roll but I budget those 27minutes to get a lot done. The other night Paul had her in it and he came back into the room to find her hands folded on the exersaucer and her head on top of her hands fast asleep!
Mr. Sun- I am mad at you!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

American Cancer Society Dogswalk 2009

Setting up this photo was VERY difficult. Paul, my dad and Jeanine had to wrangle the Goldens while balancing on a steep hill. Nice job.

We had a great day. The rain held up pretty much although it was chilly. Emme fell asleep for the first part of the walk and then was up for the rest of the day until 1 with only a 15 minute nap. We raised over $1500 as a team. I fell $20 short of my goal but my dad made his. Thanks to everyone who donated. You can still donate until June 15th so click on the link if you are interested. After the walk I entered Tom and Jerry in the Musical Sit Contest. Jerry came in 1st last year but this year he came in third to be beaten by his brother Tom handled by Jeanine. She used quite a few leash corrections- SHAME on her! Abbie came in second place for the second year in a row for Best Tail Wagger. She was beaten out by a three legged cancer survivor who was awesome. Unfortunately we did not get a team picture AGAIN this year but we all had a blast. We can't wait until next year.


My first balloon!