Friday, May 29, 2009

A Class Full of Germies

Last Monday I arrived at Emme's school to pick her up in the afternoon to find that 7 out of 13 kids were absent because of ear infections, step throat, croup and fever/flu. And it hasn't improved much since then. Emme wasn't herself that whole weekend and had a little cough and lots of snot but no fever so I sent her to school that morning. The teacher said they would check her temp later on especially if she was cranky. She had a well check up and immunization appt the next day but I wanted to get her in because I was SO sure she had to have an ear infection or something with all those kids being sick. I know as soon as one of the kids in my class gets sick everyone gets sick sooner or later even me. Who says kids don't like to share!

Emme survived school and we drove to the doctor to find out she is a very strong, healthy, wiggly and happy baby who had some fluid in her ears but no ear infection or fever. They were even nice enough to give her her shot and well check up that day. The doctor was very happy with her size and strength and wasn't concerned about her getting sick. The doctor said by exclusively nursing her helps her stay healthy and not fall prey to some of the common illnesses being passed back and forth in her class. So I look back onto those first weeks of nursing and realize that all that pain was so worth it. Not to say she won't ever get sick but I am certainly enjoying her good health right now.

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