Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday NATALIE!!!!!!!!!!

Natalie Grace

I want more cake!
(one slice of ELMO cake, a mini cupcake and a scoop of ice cream was not enough!!!)

Natalie turned 2 today and had an awesome Elmo party. Emme had a great time partying and playing with her best friend. Marianne made a deliciously awesome cake and yes we had red diapers for a few days!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Can you believe we just had a vacation and we got a snow day. Unreal. That never happens in New York City- the mayor must be really mad!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Great Week Off

This week went by so fast of course since I was home. Emme and I had a lot of fun together. We helped Aunt Jeanine clean out Grammy and Papa Mike's garage and found a ton of treasures to bring home and play with. We went to Erin's birthday at Stew Leonard's, Emme had her first dentist appointment which went great. A few tears but her teeth are in excellent shape. Paul and I took Emme to the Maritime Aquarium and she absolutely loved it. See earlier post.

Erin, Jeanine and Emme

Dog class was canceled due to the snow storm but Emme hung out with all her doggie buddies this week except Brodie who wasn't feeling too good. :(

Tom & Emme

Emme & Jerry

Emme also went to the eye doctor for her checkup and they found her astigmatism has not gotten worse and it isn't nearly as bad as mine so we can hold off glasses for a bit. She has to go back in 6 months to see if there is any change. The doctor said it can even improve so we are doing some hand eye coordination things like putting her "vintage" little people in their chairs and cars.

We met Aunt Jeanine and Grammy at the mall and were able to get Grammy a dress for Aunt Jeanine's wedding. Of course Grammy spoiled her as always with new outfits and a pocketbook too.

On Thursday I braved going out to lunch with my mom, some friends from work and Emme. The bravery being that I took Emme to a restaurant and expected her to sit nicely for an hour and a half. She was really good. I only had to pull out my blackberry for her for the last 20 minutes. She even used the potty! We all had a great time. It was good seeing Debbie who is lucky to have been able to retire.

Paul and I also got our taxes done and I have to say we really like our new accountant. Our old one died suddenly last summer and he was really great. He will be missed. I am so glad to have the taxes done. It makes me feel like I am ahead for once.

We were able to visit Grandma Q for a little bit as we had to stay away earlier in the week because we both were germy and didn't want to get Grandpa sick. Emme was running all over the house. Better get those gates!

We even got to visit and have dinner with Marianne and Natalie. They got to splish splash in the big bathtub and run around. The girls had a fun time until Emme had an accident. She was playing with Uncle Dom's keys and tripped and poked her eyelid with the keys as she fell. There was so much blood but thankfully it was just a minor cut. How scary, but we all reamined as calm as could be except for Emme who was not happy at all. There will be no more keys for Emme.

Emme (pre boo boo) & Natalie

My parents wanted to do something special for Emme's birthday present other than toys since my house looks like a Toys R Us truck jack-knifed in my living room so they gave her the gift of music. A ten week class at Music Together. It is so fun. Paul's cousin Laura teaches the program during the week at a different site and she told me how awesome it is. We were sad we couldn't take her class because I work during the week but we have a great instructor Ernie who is amazing.

There are so things the kids work on and they have lots of hands on stuff. We play with all kinds of instruments, egg shakers, silk scarves, sea shells, balls and build on to songs every week. We have the cds to play at home and in the car that go along with the music class which is so cool since I cannot sing to save my life at least I have the music to mask my voice! I have learned so much from the class too. Super class and I would recommend to anyone with kids from birth-5.

Emme and Natalie playing with the shells from the Sally sells seashells song.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Today Emme had her friend Erin's birthday party to go to at Stew Leonard's. She was a little freaked out that we were not getting a cart and shopping at first. She kept pointing to the food below as we ascended the stairs to the party room. It was kind of hard for her to play and run around like all the other kids at the party since she just started walking but she warmed up and walked around a bit. She wasn't sure of what to make of the Stew Leonard Chicken that came around. She was OK at a distance but once we walked over to him she was not having it. I was so mad at myself for forgetting Emme had matching stockings to this dress. Oh well. Maybe they will fit next year!

Aunt Jeanine and Emme

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Boyfriend Already!

Yesterday when I picked Emme up at school I heard her say something and one of her teachers and I looked at each other like-NO she didn't day that! But today she kept repeating "Michael" and pointing to him. It sounds so cute. But I don't think her daddy is going to be too happy...........

On a side note Emme can now get to a stand from a sitting position, walk with shoes and pivot and turn around.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day Part 2

Here we go

Got to love being home on a workday. I took a nap- YES a nap while Emme was napping. Actually we caught up on Lost and then I took a nap and Paul got Emme up, took her to the potty, gave her lunch and occupied her for my hour and a half snooze. He also is cooking dinner. He is the best. We then got all our snow gear on and took Emme and the dogs out for sleigh riding in the backyard. At first Emme didn't love the bumpy snow as they made a nice track on the hill so it would be smooth. Then she took off. She loved it. She waved to me as she slid down the hill. Paul dragged her back and forth and I was in charge of catching her and taking pics. One time I didn't quite get there in time since she took off in a different path and the sleigh smacked into a tree. Not too hard though and she didn't even cry. Good thing for the seat belt on the sleigh! And just a note those snow boots are a size 7 way, way too big for Emme's size 3 foot. Thank goodness for hand me downs. Thanks Laura!
Mommy catch me I am heading for that tree!
I guess I should go make all the cupcakes for the Valentine's Day parties on Friday. Maybe, just maybe Chancellor Klein and Mayor Bloomberg will give us another day off. I am so not looking forward to the morning commute. Last mini storm took me three hours to get nowhere and I had to take the day. Just two more workdays and then a whole week off.

Maybe tomorrow I will get another day off to sleigh ride again!

Snow Day Part 1

Eyes closed in the snow?

Would you believe NYC schools closed for a snow day. I am in shock. The mayor called it early on Tuesday and I got to sleep until 7:45 this morning. Woo Hoo. Much better than getting up at 4:55am. So far we have gotten about three inches and the dogs have been out to play but Emme and I will venture out in the snow to play after lunch.

Delicious Snow

Monday, February 8, 2010


Saturday when we went to visit Paul's parents Emme walked about 7 steps across the carpet in the living room. This is the most steps she has taken. Then last night Rich, Eileen and Sophia came over for the Superbowl and Emme and Sophia played so nicely. Sophia is three weeks older than Emme and is walking and I think Emme was watching very intently on how beneficial it is to walk than to crawl. You can get to your toys faster! So all of a sudden today at school one second Emme was on one side of the room and next thing you know she was way on the other side. They watched her walk all over. She was moving FAST.

Now I have been told that since she is pottying regularly at school (3 times a day) and walking she has to move up to the next room. So her first day with her new teacher will be February 22. I have been with her in that room once already on the last snowy day that I couldn't get into work and both teachers are very nice. She knows all the kids since they were originally with her in the Infant A/B room. She should be in this classroom until my school year ends in June.

As for an Emme update:
-she can now say: Uh- OH, tank too (thank you) cat, tee, (teeth) Poppa (Poppa Mike)
-she points to certain things in books that we ask her to point to
-she points to people when we ask her where they are
-she was exposed to chicken pox but still hasn't broken out!
-she is in love with peanut butter and is sometimes the only thing she will eat
-can walk across the room with shoes on and can stand from a sitting position
-has had a few days where she only used one or two diapers
-uses the potty at least 5 times each day and sometimes says pee pee to let me know she needs to go
-points to herself in photos and all other babies in person and says baby
-after I tell her she has one bite left and she eats it she signs all done even without me saying it

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Getting Around

Emme has been in the cruising mode for a few weeks now. She prefers to crawl but we moved some toys and books to the coffee table and she likes to stand and play or read. She has taken 2-3 steps already but no real walking yet. I am sure she will walk soon though. She loves to hold your hand and walk around and around and around! She is one of the oldest babies in her class and will soon be transitioned up to the next room for good after the midwinter break in February.

Emme loves reading. Here she is pointing to the duck. She loves finding the ducks in all her books!