Monday, February 8, 2010


Saturday when we went to visit Paul's parents Emme walked about 7 steps across the carpet in the living room. This is the most steps she has taken. Then last night Rich, Eileen and Sophia came over for the Superbowl and Emme and Sophia played so nicely. Sophia is three weeks older than Emme and is walking and I think Emme was watching very intently on how beneficial it is to walk than to crawl. You can get to your toys faster! So all of a sudden today at school one second Emme was on one side of the room and next thing you know she was way on the other side. They watched her walk all over. She was moving FAST.

Now I have been told that since she is pottying regularly at school (3 times a day) and walking she has to move up to the next room. So her first day with her new teacher will be February 22. I have been with her in that room once already on the last snowy day that I couldn't get into work and both teachers are very nice. She knows all the kids since they were originally with her in the Infant A/B room. She should be in this classroom until my school year ends in June.

As for an Emme update:
-she can now say: Uh- OH, tank too (thank you) cat, tee, (teeth) Poppa (Poppa Mike)
-she points to certain things in books that we ask her to point to
-she points to people when we ask her where they are
-she was exposed to chicken pox but still hasn't broken out!
-she is in love with peanut butter and is sometimes the only thing she will eat
-can walk across the room with shoes on and can stand from a sitting position
-has had a few days where she only used one or two diapers
-uses the potty at least 5 times each day and sometimes says pee pee to let me know she needs to go
-points to herself in photos and all other babies in person and says baby
-after I tell her she has one bite left and she eats it she signs all done even without me saying it

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