Monday, April 11, 2011

Big Boy Jack

Jack went in for his 2 month check up and he is the size of a four month old. The doctor had to double check with me that this was his 2 month appt. He is almost 12 and half pounds and 23 and one quarter inches long. He is not fat with little rolls- just long and lean with little chicken legs and fat cheeks! Emme was 1.5 lbs smaller at her 2 month appt. He looks great and she said his murmur sounds a lot smaller than when she originally listened when he was a few days old. He even had a shot in his leg and didn't cry. What a good boy! He has grown out of most 0-3 month clothes because he has little diesel arms that don't fit through the sleeves! The best part of all is that his eyes are still blue :) :) :) Emme's were dark brown by this time. My father in law, my side of the family and I are all hoping they stay blue.

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