Sunday, April 10, 2011

Trash to Treasure

Yes more trash- I mean toys for the yard says Emme!

I love my new playhouse!

I am sure most of you think I am crazy but yes I love to shop for what people throw out. Not always in the trash but tag sales, consignment sales and shops, craigslist and yes even people's driveways on bulk trash days! I am not ashamed as I have found some awesome stuff for little to nothing. Most of Emme's clothes and shoes are secondhand although you wouldn't know it. So on the way home from the party today I spied a Little Tikes outdoor playhouse by the curb about 5 blocks from our house. I had Paul pull over and I even rang the bell to ask the owner if it was worth taking. They said it had some marker on the windowsill and table but I am the Queen of Goo Gone and other fabulous products that remove crayon etc from walls so it shouldn't be a problem. Paul dropped us off and went back to get it. He washed it off and assembled it and it needs two new bolts which he has in his work truck so it will be perfect. We can powerwash it when we do the rest of the outdoor toys in a few weeks and it will be as good as new. The cost $0. LOVE IT!

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