Sunday, September 16, 2007

Great Weekend

This weekend Paul and I went to the Poconos for some R&R. It was great. The place we stayed at had everything- a movie theatre, bowling alley, spa, billiards, mini golf, pizzeria a lake. It was huge. They are in the process of building an indoor water park onsite also. We of course had to stop at the outlets and the candle shop for some goodies and we even did a day trip white water rafting on a dam release day which was great- chilly but great. (Thank godness for wetsuits!!!) We had a lot of fun and are certainly not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. Yes for me it will be the first full week (five days) of school!

As a side note my levels are still not zero. It is only 12.5. So since it is dropping extremely slowly at this point, they want me to come back in two weeks and then if it is not zero, further testing will be done.

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