Tuesday, March 24, 2009

9 Weeks

Monday marked nine weeks and Emme is doing great. She likes to coo and gurgle and likes to "talk" especially when she is mad. She holds her head really well and comes up to a stand when I pull her up. She figured out that if she kicks her feet in her rocker, the toys swing on the bar on top. She also started to follow her red crab toy that spurts water back and forth in the tub. She watches Jerry very intently (Tom moves too fast still) and opens and closes her hand on his fur. She likes to blow bubbles- lots of bubble drool and suck on her clothes! She is very, very nosy and likes to look at EVERYTHING! I put her in her high chair this week for the first time and she can't get enough of it. She is also sleeping 6-8 hours at night which I love the most! Here are some pictures of her in her high chair.

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