Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Sunday

We spent Easter Sunday at Grandma & Grandpa Q's. Emme was very happy to see everyone especially her big brother Paul. The Easter Bunny left lots of presents too which she loves and Mommy can't wait to dress her up in. While we were at my in laws Jerry stayed at my mom's with Abbie and Tom spent the day with my dad and Smartie in Goshen for an AKC trial. I am happy to say Tom had four runs that weekend (I ran him on Sat & my dad ran him Sun) and he got four Q's- three first place and one second place along with his Novice titles in Jumpers with Weaves and Standard. My dad ran him great on Sunday and now he wants to do a class with him. Don't get any ideas Dad I am not going to let you keep him! Tom will always be a Momma's boy and I love running him. But I am glad you give him the opportunity to run more. You can rent him until Abbie is ready!

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