Sunday, April 12, 2009

Special Prayer for Abbie

Two weeks ago while visiting my parents I thought Abbie's mouth was bleeding. Upon inspection I noticed a lump on her gums covering her two bottom teeth. We took her to the vet the next day and set up surgery to have it removed two days later. The vet said it was an epilous growth that sometimes grows inside a dog's cheek but Abbie's was grwoing in an awkward spot over her teeth. So off to surgery. They then sent the growth to be biopsied and the vet said he would be surprised if it came back anything bad since she is only two and very healthy. Last Monday we got the horrible news that the growth was a very rare and aggressive form of cancer. The prognosis is terrible. What makes it worse is Abbie is running all around like nothing is wrong and not even acting sick. My parents are exploring the options and have met with an oncologist and next week an oral surgeon. This cancer is rare for animals and unheard of in Golden Retrievers. This is a very sad time for our family.

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