Monday, June 1, 2009

What Can Emme DO?

At 19 weeks old Emme can.....
-roll to her belly and back
-pet Tom & Jerry (open and close hand on fur and move hand back and forth)
- give you her "lower lip" and puppy dog face
-hold my fingers and arch herself to a stand on a count of three
-recognize and follow Tom and Jerry with her eyes
-wiggle out of her car seat and stroller
-kick her legs in the tub to make a big wet mess on the counter
-stand up with support
- rotate her body in her crib each night so her feet are where her head should be
-laugh when tickled
-recognize the sign for milk
-play with the toys in her exersaucer and entertain herself
-fall asleep in her crib all by herself

and many other things I can't seem to remember right this second!

Check back later this week for photos from Emme's first professional photo shoot with the dogs, her visit with Grandma & Grandpa Q, Uncle Bob's birthday and an update on Tom's recent trials.

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