Wednesday, June 29, 2011

First Day of Summer Vacation!

 Well technically it is the first day of my summer vacation as Emme and Jack have been off since Monday. They got to spend some fun time with my sister Jeanine who did not send me any photos to put on the blog of their fun adventures! So today we hung at home and made some swirly crayons out of some old crayons that I had at school. Emme loved sorting them by hues and we baked them up and had a blast making a mess!
 Emme's Reese's Peanut Butter cup shaped crayons decorate her paper and my table pad! Yikes!
My sweet little Jackie and his big blue eyes. He is the sweetest baby ever. Hardly ever cries and is always so pleasant. He has been sucking away on his fingers and thumb. I think he might be teething already! Not even 5 months yet!

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