Saturday, July 2, 2011

Another Busy Saturday

 Our day started with music class of course and then a mad dash to Home Depot for our free monthly project. This month we constructed a holder for coasters. We had a blast as usual and you can see from the pic above all of Emme's pins she has earned from her projects. Next we headed to Bobby & Keri's to celebrate Bobby's belated 40th! It turned out great. Paul's cousin's kids were up visiting their grandparents and they were able to come to the party so all the kids had a great time playing together.
 Here Emme is showing off her (poor) throwing skills. She completely missed her cousin. But her cousin had great catching form!

Emme and her cousins


Roasting marshmallows with her big brother

Jack hanging out with Grandpa Q!


Jack and his big brother Paul Jr.
Everyone had a blast. All the food was yummy and Paul of course had to work but he made it by for a quick to go bite to eat. Then he was able to get back after work and we hung out until 11! with Bobby and Keri. I am so happy we were able to come since Emme was at the doctor yesterday and got a positive strep test! She has been coughing for over a week but she never complains. I finally took her since she had some fevers that seemed to only come at night. She started the antibiotics yesterday and there was a complete turn around change. I am so glad she is feeling better and none of the rest of us got it. 

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