Friday, July 31, 2009

Little Friends

Emme and Natalie are having a great summer. We will all be sad when September comes and Marianne and I have to go back to work. The girls play together almost everyday and it is so amazing to see them mimic each other and for each one to reach milestones. Emme has been rolling all over the place, has three little teeth, babbles in conversation form, sits up well, loves to stand with support and "dance" and even take steps forward when we hold her hands. I really think Emme's next word is going to be 'Emme" because that is Natalie's favorite word and she says it all day long. Natalie wanted to share her breakfast with Emme the other day in the car so she proceeded to dump half of her cup of cheerios on Emme's lap. How sweet is that. Too bad Emme isn't really eating cheerios yet, but soon. They also like to take baths in Emme's Cadillac tub (they are quickly growing out of it) and roll around together on the floor. Here are some pics from the other day after dinner.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Swimming in the Big Pool

Natalie and Emme ready to take a dip!

This week Marianne and I took the girls swimming in the pool. We had so much fun and the girls slept really well each night after swimming. We taught them to blow bubbles in the pool, how to kick their feet and we even went underwater with them. My mom used to be a lifeguard and taught swimming back when I was small so she schooled us in how to do it without traumatizing them or drowning them. It was pretty successful in that neither of them are afraid to get in the pool or wanted to immediately get out after we did it. We will keep working on these skills and teaching them to go toward side of the pool when they get in. Never to early to start water safety.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Photo Shoot with Tom & Jerry (6 Months)

Hey they are hugging me too tight

My New Pool

Can you see my two little teeth in there?

Jeanine bought Emme a pool and today I finally decided to inflate it and try it out since it was supposed to be really hot. I filled it up and waited a few hours hoping it would warm up but I ended up putting a pot full of hot water in to warm it up. Emme loved it after she got used to the frigid temperature. She liked laying on her belly holding onto the side and kicking her legs. I tried to get her to blow bubbles under the water but she decided to drink the water instead.

Tasting the pool toys

Lounging in the pool

Friday, July 24, 2009

A New Friend

Emme, Jeanine and Erin
Today after traveling with mommy and Aunt Jeanine to Long Island to get a bookcase for me from Craigslist-(since my mom is addicted) I stopped by Aunt Jeanine and Uncle Kev's apartment and got a visit from their friend Hallie and Erin.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Guess Where I Am??

Candlelight Inn- (check out the sign in the top of the picture) famous for its chicken wings. Mommy and Grammy J wouldn't let me have any though! :( Next time I am going with Daddy, Uncle Bob and Uncle Billy.

Mommy gave me these red and green links because I kept trying to steal the onion rings. She told me they were onion rings but I know better!

A little smile even though my teeth are killing me!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cousins Visit

Jeanine and I went out to visit our cousin Moriah and her two adorable girls today and we all had such a great time. Aunt Jackie even dropped by for a visit and it was great to see her too. The little ones played together and we were able to catch up a bit. Here are some pics from the day. Emme's teeth were really bothering her most of the day so smiles were hard to come by.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Emme and Natalie's Playdate

Emme had a playdate with Natalie this evening and as always had a great time. They are so cute together. I can't wait until they can really play together. Natalie is still hugging and kissing her and telling her "C'mon" Here are some pics from today.
Can I tell you a secret?
Oh stop interrupting our tv show please!
We are so cute and we know it.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy 6 Month Birthday Emme

Emme is doing great. She is doing well sitting and falls over when she reaches out for toys and objects. She is rolling all over and starting to pull up and push herself around. Paul had to drop her crib down. She is eating like a champ and can get very vocal when the spoons aren't coming fast enough. Her favorite foods are pears, apples and yogurt. She says a few things in babble form like mamama dadadada nana (banana) a-bee (Abbie) and something that resembles Natalie's "I want!" I am sure her next word is going to be Em-ME because Natalie says it a million times to her. It is so cute. Marianne even says Natalie calls out Emme in her sleep! SHe must be dreaming about her. Emme has two little tiny teeth and they seem to really bother her at times. She is definitely starting to show some feistiness and becoming more vocal in her babbles. She recognizes the signs for milk and eat and more.

Aunt Keri and Uncle Bob

We had dinner at my in laws this weekend and Emme got to see Uncle Bob and Aunt Keri whom she hasn't seen in quite awhile! Uncle Bob got to feed Emme and even braved changing her diaper!!!!!! He did it- diaper, pajamas all in record time. We had a great time visiting them and Grandma and Grandpa Q!
Uncle Bob, Emme, Daddy and a flower from Grandpa's yard
Aunt Keri and Emme

Uncle Bob trying to snap that last snap before Emme gets away!

Uncle Bob and Emme after a successful diaper change!

Friday, July 17, 2009


I found Emme's second tooth tonite! Yea steak here we come!

Avocado- NO!

Emme's Pre 6 Month Checkup

This week went by so fast. Emme will be 6 months old (even though she will be 26 weeks old) this weekend. She went for a check up and is now 14.5 lbs and 26 inches long. No shots this time since we were only there 3 weeks ago so we will get the 6 month shots in a couple of weeks.
We also took her to my eye doctor to get her eyes evaluated. We haven't noticed anything wrong but Paul wears glasses and contacts and I have such a severe astigmatism that really made one eye much worse than the other since it wasn't caught until I was 5 when I started school and had trouble seeing. Had my eyes been tested earlier, which wasn't a common practice and also because my parents do not have astigmatism, I may not have ended up needing all the interventions I did including wearing contacts at age 8. I spent a year and a half every Saturday for 4-5 hours at an eye clinic learning and practicing exercises to strengthen my eyes so I could wear the contacts. I also had to so exercises at home every day even on weekends. My parents were amazing and did everything they could to help correct my vision. Basically an astigmatism is weakness of eye muscles. My left eye was stronger so I started to use that one more and more and ended up not even using my right eye so the muscles became extremely weak and it turned out away from my nose. (lazy eye) The contact lenses actually hold the muscles in place so after wearing glasses for the year and a half and strengthening my eyes I was fitted for soft contact lenses. It was so not fun.
So anyway the doctors do see astigmatism in both of Emme's eyes. What is good is that it isn't nearly as bad as mine was originally and glasses will correct it. She was such a perfect little patient letting the doctor look into her eyes for over an hour. We took lots of breaks. He was so surprised that she doesn't pull off her sunglasses so he taped some lenses to the sunglasses to get a more accurate prescription. He said that normally babies won't wear glasses and he doesn't give glasses to them because of this but if we can train Emme to wear her sunglasses for a few hours each day that in November we may be able to get her glasses. I really hate the thought of having her wear glasses but knowing what my vision is like now without glasses or contacts is frightening and my vision was worse as a small child. I want Emme to be able to learn without any vision impairment. The opthamologist I took her to I have seen since I was diagnosed way back when I was 5. He was just out of med school and was an "assistant" to the head eye doctor at the eye clinic I spent many an a Saturday at. I followed him when he opened his practice in Yonkers and have been his patient for 27 years!
In other Emme news! Emme is eating like a champ. She now eats carrots, pears, banana, avocado and yogurt- banana flavored and vanilla flavored. Emme has mastered the intake mechanism petty well and is a very neat eater. She does like to eat though. She makes the mmm sound after taking a bite and if you don't keep those spoons coming fast enough she grunts and complains until another spoon is fed! It is also amazing that she still nurses the same amount of times and eats three big meals. She is so active that she must burn it all off. Paul is so good. He makes all Emme's food homemade except the yogurt. He has already made her next two foods- apples and a cinnamon apple/pear mixture. Our freezer is so stuffed right now. All the fruits and veggies come from our friend's parents farm market in Cortlandt Manor.

Tom the babysitter!

As for Tom and Jerry, they have taken a "custodial"role in Emme's world. They constantly clean and kiss her, bark at people who come near us unless we ok it and Tom even sits near her when she plays as if he were babysitting. We always have to be careful though. The other day Emme was swinging her Bug Loop teether and Tom thought she wanted to tug with him so he grabbed the end of it and started to tug. I have to say he did it ever so gently and if you know Tom and his toys nothing is ever gentle but he was really good. We had to tell him wrong. He looked so sad but even so Tom still sometimes tries to play anyway. Can you see anything strange in the photo below?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend Photos

This weekend we took a drive with Marianne and Natalie to pick up Marianne's mom and dog Lexi. It was a long drive and we were singing deliriously by the end of the trip! Afterward Emme and Natalie were having some outdoor play on the slide. Don't worry we didn't send Emme down without assistance. But Natalie is such a big girl she can go down the little and big slide all by herself.

Emme says, "Who is going to catch us?"

Saturday I went tag sale shopping looking for a wagon and some little tykes outdoor stuff but no luck. We picked up a few items but nothing major. Emme had yogurt for the first time and ate so much yogurt, carrots and pears for dinner she had me googling overeating infants! I don't know where she put it but it was certainly more than a fist sized portion.

Mommy gave me the spoon and I knew exactly what to do with it.

On Sunday we went to the farm with Grammy J and Poppa Mike since Paul was at a pool tournament. An hour at the farm completely wiped Emme out. We later went to dinner with Grammy, Poppa Mike and Aunt Jeanine. Emme again sucked down three portions of food for dinner. She also got lots of kisses from Abbie, Smartie and even Brody. I am completely enjoying my summer off of work with Emme, Tom and Jerry.

Emme and Poppa Mike at the farm

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tom's Paint Job

Here is Tom after he "accidentally" landed into a paint tray that was behind a gate at my mom's. Jeanine had been painting and took a break to allow Brody to have a potty break. She mistakenly said I am going to let Brody out to PEE and Tom got so excited he levetated off the carpet, over the gate into the paint tray and down a flight of steps in one move leaving paint all over him, the floor, the steps and I think even the wall. Somehow he managed to get paint on Brody too. Silly Tom.

Teething Stinks

Wagon Rides

Peek a boo

We borrowed Natalie's wagon today for some rides and a few pictures. Emme loved it. We are going to scour tag sales this summer for a wagon or maybe ask Santa. Here are a few shots from today.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Emme and Natalie have been playing together almost everyday. Natalie is repeating everything. She is so smart. Emme sits and acts like a sponge taking everything in. Natalie is so good with Emme and is always hugging and kissing her. Here they are in the playhouse deciding who is going to make lunch!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My Favorite Things

I love to play with the remote control and mommy's Blackberry. Pushing buttons is so much fun.

Striking a pose!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend Photo Shoot

I forgot to post this when I finally got the JPEG. My parents insisted Emme have a photo taken with the four dogs (Brody wasn't there) while we were away at Y Agility's Saratoga Springs Trial and have it turned into a photo plaque for my wall. The photographer was Barry Rosen who has done some of my other photos I have of the dogs. He is very good and I highly recommend him.

Below are some more recent photos of Emme and Tom and Jerry.

Oh Hi Jerry, How about a little chin scratch?

Ok Jerry You can kiss me.

Wait slow down, you are going to drown me in kisses!

J-J You are a crazy man! (Look at that tongue!)

Oh No Tom wants a kiss too.

So Silly!