Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy 6 Month Birthday Emme

Emme is doing great. She is doing well sitting and falls over when she reaches out for toys and objects. She is rolling all over and starting to pull up and push herself around. Paul had to drop her crib down. She is eating like a champ and can get very vocal when the spoons aren't coming fast enough. Her favorite foods are pears, apples and yogurt. She says a few things in babble form like mamama dadadada nana (banana) a-bee (Abbie) and something that resembles Natalie's "I want!" I am sure her next word is going to be Em-ME because Natalie says it a million times to her. It is so cute. Marianne even says Natalie calls out Emme in her sleep! SHe must be dreaming about her. Emme has two little tiny teeth and they seem to really bother her at times. She is definitely starting to show some feistiness and becoming more vocal in her babbles. She recognizes the signs for milk and eat and more.

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