Friday, July 31, 2009

Little Friends

Emme and Natalie are having a great summer. We will all be sad when September comes and Marianne and I have to go back to work. The girls play together almost everyday and it is so amazing to see them mimic each other and for each one to reach milestones. Emme has been rolling all over the place, has three little teeth, babbles in conversation form, sits up well, loves to stand with support and "dance" and even take steps forward when we hold her hands. I really think Emme's next word is going to be 'Emme" because that is Natalie's favorite word and she says it all day long. Natalie wanted to share her breakfast with Emme the other day in the car so she proceeded to dump half of her cup of cheerios on Emme's lap. How sweet is that. Too bad Emme isn't really eating cheerios yet, but soon. They also like to take baths in Emme's Cadillac tub (they are quickly growing out of it) and roll around together on the floor. Here are some pics from the other day after dinner.

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