Monday, August 31, 2009

While Away....

During my mini vacays to Buffalo and Catskills lots of exciting things happened.

Jeanine and Kevin got engaged and I am still waiting for a picture of the ring to do a nice big post! I still haven't seen the ring yet --Jeanine you better come over soon.

Paul's cousin Michelle and her husband Nathanial welcomed a baby boy to their family. They have a 2 yr old girl and an ALMOST 4 year old boy. We can't wait to see you guys.

One of my carpoolees Dana got engaged too. We are going to have so much to talk about in the carpool- can't wait.

Marianne's picture of Natalie won a prize at the county fair down near where her dad lives. Well of course I wouldn't expect anything less Natalie is soooo cute. Emme loves her "springy" curls!

Catskills Anyone??

While in the Catskills for the agility trial Tom picked up 3 Master's Q's one in Jumpers and 2 in Snooker (one was ALMOST a SuperQ!!!) and Jerry had a blast flying- yes you read right FLYING around the course. Mr. Speed Demon came flying over a jump which he was supposed to make a right hand turn after into a tunnel but since I called switch too late he turned in the air, landed on his head and slid in that position for about 10 feet, then somersaulted over and took off for the tunnel. UNBELIEVABLE he was so juiced up after the tunnel he sailed over a jump and had to go to a table which he was moving so fast all you heard was nails scraping across the table. He managed to stay on the table with his invisible suction cup paws! The judge said she stopped breathing for most of his run. He will be great one day when we can put everything together.

Aside from that on Friday I got a call from Paul saying he was coming home that day. (He has been in Buffalo since August 12th) Then a few hours later I got another call from him saying he was not coming home but being forced to go to Cairo. I couldn't believe it. We were staying 15 minutes away from him. He wasn't able to come and see the boys run but we were able to have dinner with him on Saturday and Sunday and I was able to do the laundry right at the trial site while I was running on Sunday. Since I hadn't planned on being in the Catskills for dinner Sunday night I did not have any food for Emme. (We make all of her food except for yogurt) So we ordered her some plain turkey, mashed potatoes and cranberry for dinner. Her she is experimenting with her food.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dutchess County Fair

My mom, Emme and I met up with Ellen at the Dutchess County Fair. We decided to go on our way up to the Catskills for the weekend. Tom and Jerry had their annual Fall Blackthorne Trial which was rescheduled a week earlier this year so we made a nice 4 day weekend out of it. I was very surprised and disappointed in the fair. I was just at the Erie County Fair last week and that fair was amazing. Since I haven't been to a County Fair in a number of years- think Westchester County Fair....... I have to say things have changed quite a bit. Games were $3-$5 a try and prizes were really crappy. Vendors weren't that fabulous and it was very disorganized and the parking lot well let's just say it could take anywhere from 30-45 minutes just to get out! We will not be going to that fair again. I just might have to drive to Buffalo for the Erie one next year!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hanging With Daddy

Emme even got to go swimming and hang out in Paul's truck while we were in Buffalo. The dogs and Emme watched every white Verizon truck pull in the hotel parking lot each night and always got excited to see Paul when he arrived. Tom and Jerry were spoiled in that they had a HUGE field to play in and run after frisbees and balls everyday. Not that we do not play at home but Paul and I could throw the ball or frisbee and not have to worry about it going over the fence or land in the flower beds. I think the dogs lost a few pounds here not that they needed to! We sure had a fun time in Buffalo!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Strong National Museum of Play

I cannot even begin to express how awesome this museum was. I can't wait to take Emme back.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tag Sales in Buffalo

I had so much fun at some tag sales I ended up with a migraine! Seriously. Probably not from the tag sales but the constant lack of ventilation in our hotel room. The windows didn't open at all and the air conditioning was causing Emme and I to have a dry cough. However before I had to come back to the hotel and sleep it off I picked up a little tykes xylophone, a flannel pair of pjs and baby Einstein flashcards for $3! I also got a vintage fisher price school desk for $8 with all of the pieces and some extra! Here is Emme after tag sale-ing with Mommy!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Toy Store and Lunch with Daddy

We were able to have lunch with Paul on two days while we were visiting Buffalo. On one occasion we were visiting a cute little town with a real 5 &10! It was pretty neat to walk around and look at all the "crap." I didn't buy anything but I sure was tempted. We met Paul first at the Fisher Price Toy Store and Emme got some little animals to go with the zoo Grammy J is giving her for Christmas. We had gotten a sign language book at the zoo to teach us how to sign animal names so we were able to use the animals with the book too. Emme loved playing with all the toys and especially like all the Elmo stuff. After lunch Emme and I browsed a few little stores and Emme fell asleep so I treated myself to a manicure! Very rare Emme will sleep while within the vicinity of a nail salon and stay sleeping! We aren't even talking tips and wraps ---plain old clear coat!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Buffalo Zoo

Today Emme and I went to the Buffalo Zoo. We really wished Paul could come too but he had to work. That is why we are here. Emme was pretty interested in the animals and liked riding the merry go round and choo choo train. Here are some pics from our trip.
Mommy and Emme on the Merry Go Round
Emme and The Nesquick Bunny!

I'm Getting Sleepy
Trying so hard to keep my eyes open

OK I quit!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Moving Around

"Uh Oh, better watch out," says Emme
Emme loves to roll around on the floor and now when I put her down and walk away she can get to the other side of the room in no time. Her favorite thing to do at the hotel was to roll under the bed and peek out from the bedskirt.

Here is Emme hanging out after swimming in the pool. She loved rolling all over our bed too.

Hi there

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Niagara Falls

Today while Paul was working I decided to pack the dogs and Emme and head for Niagara Falls. I wasn't allowed to take the dogs on any of the sightseeing boats or tours but we hiked through the park for 3 hours and we were able to see the American Falls and Horseshoe Falls and some other little "rapids." We had a really nice walk and everyone slept well that night. Here are some pics from the day.
Native American Statue
Mini Rapids
American Falls
Horseshoe Falls

Monday, August 17, 2009

Trip to Buffalo

Paul was sent to Buffalo to work as part of the emergency cleanup for some badly flooded cities so after a few days without him we decided to pack it up and join him. So Emme, Tom, Jerry and I drove 8 long hours with stops to have a mini vacation. Paul has to work 11-12 hours each day but we will see him every morning and evening instead of not at all. Tonight we were able to go to the Erie County Fair and Expo even though we went from 8-11pm. Emme had taken some nice naps and was so into all the lights, people, sounds and smells she didn't melt down even though it was WAY past her bedtime.
Mommy won Emme a prize from "I Got It"

Emme and Daddy ride the Merry Go Round

Emme learned to wave. (note she only does it when SHE feels like waving)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cucumbers are Yummy.....NOT

Not even Daddy's fresh cucumbers from the garden can make Emme like them. We have tried several times but this is what I get..............

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fawns Nearby

I took some great pics of baby deer near Marianne's house. They are very young and actually let me get within ten feet of them.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Emme and Daddy

Here is Emme hanging out with Paul. We got very few smiles today as her teeth were really killing her.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lobster Pet

We had a BBQ this weekend for all the holidays that we have been away or busy for such as Mother's Day, Father's Day, Kevin's birthday and my parent's anniversary. So we ate yummy lobster and crab legs and had a great time. Here are Natalie and Emme with the lobsters before we cooked them.
Natalie wants to feed him her cheese doodle.

Can I keep him Daddy as a pet???

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My First Strawberry

Here I am at the Farm Stand sampling some fresh local strawberries. They are very messy but they feel good on my teeth. YUM

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Last Library Class

Emme took a 6 week library class this summer where we went and learned some rhymes, read books, and played with puppets. Emme seemed to enjoy it except when the teacher showed the book to the other children. She got very angry that she could no longer see the book. I hope this isn't her way of telling us she does not like to share! She did love playing with the puppets and eating her name tag as you can see from the pics below. The best part for me is it was FREE!
Eating my nametag
It says Emme

This is a bird nest puppet

(My teeth have been bothering me and that is why I am drooling all over!)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Adidas Man and his Sidekick Adidas Baby

Coming soon to an agility trial near you!

Monday, August 3, 2009

My New Friend

This is Elmo, my new friend. He sings and shakes and I dance with him. Here I am talking to him.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

My New Ride

We went tag sale shopping and picked up some great toys and a new car for Emme. Natalie has a little pink car with a push handle that she can be wheeled around in and we saw one that was red for $12 so we bought it. (I hate pink so it was perfect!) Now they can even ride side by side on walks. Who is better than them! Anyway I was really surprised Emme could use this right away. It is recommended for 18-24 mos. She sits pretty well but tends to fall over when she reaches for things still. However we strapped her in this little car and she immediately grabbed the steering wheel and we were off. The funniest thing is when I stop, she grips the steering wheel and rocks back and forth as if to say "Let's get moving again!" Then to top it all off after riding in this car during the day, she was able to sit up with no support in her tub even when leaning over to read her new bath books and grab for toys. Paul is getting nervous though since Emme parked her car in his spot in the driveway last night. Look out!