Saturday, August 1, 2009

My New Ride

We went tag sale shopping and picked up some great toys and a new car for Emme. Natalie has a little pink car with a push handle that she can be wheeled around in and we saw one that was red for $12 so we bought it. (I hate pink so it was perfect!) Now they can even ride side by side on walks. Who is better than them! Anyway I was really surprised Emme could use this right away. It is recommended for 18-24 mos. She sits pretty well but tends to fall over when she reaches for things still. However we strapped her in this little car and she immediately grabbed the steering wheel and we were off. The funniest thing is when I stop, she grips the steering wheel and rocks back and forth as if to say "Let's get moving again!" Then to top it all off after riding in this car during the day, she was able to sit up with no support in her tub even when leaning over to read her new bath books and grab for toys. Paul is getting nervous though since Emme parked her car in his spot in the driveway last night. Look out!

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