Monday, August 31, 2009

Catskills Anyone??

While in the Catskills for the agility trial Tom picked up 3 Master's Q's one in Jumpers and 2 in Snooker (one was ALMOST a SuperQ!!!) and Jerry had a blast flying- yes you read right FLYING around the course. Mr. Speed Demon came flying over a jump which he was supposed to make a right hand turn after into a tunnel but since I called switch too late he turned in the air, landed on his head and slid in that position for about 10 feet, then somersaulted over and took off for the tunnel. UNBELIEVABLE he was so juiced up after the tunnel he sailed over a jump and had to go to a table which he was moving so fast all you heard was nails scraping across the table. He managed to stay on the table with his invisible suction cup paws! The judge said she stopped breathing for most of his run. He will be great one day when we can put everything together.

Aside from that on Friday I got a call from Paul saying he was coming home that day. (He has been in Buffalo since August 12th) Then a few hours later I got another call from him saying he was not coming home but being forced to go to Cairo. I couldn't believe it. We were staying 15 minutes away from him. He wasn't able to come and see the boys run but we were able to have dinner with him on Saturday and Sunday and I was able to do the laundry right at the trial site while I was running on Sunday. Since I hadn't planned on being in the Catskills for dinner Sunday night I did not have any food for Emme. (We make all of her food except for yogurt) So we ordered her some plain turkey, mashed potatoes and cranberry for dinner. Her she is experimenting with her food.

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