Friday, August 21, 2009

Toy Store and Lunch with Daddy

We were able to have lunch with Paul on two days while we were visiting Buffalo. On one occasion we were visiting a cute little town with a real 5 &10! It was pretty neat to walk around and look at all the "crap." I didn't buy anything but I sure was tempted. We met Paul first at the Fisher Price Toy Store and Emme got some little animals to go with the zoo Grammy J is giving her for Christmas. We had gotten a sign language book at the zoo to teach us how to sign animal names so we were able to use the animals with the book too. Emme loved playing with all the toys and especially like all the Elmo stuff. After lunch Emme and I browsed a few little stores and Emme fell asleep so I treated myself to a manicure! Very rare Emme will sleep while within the vicinity of a nail salon and stay sleeping! We aren't even talking tips and wraps ---plain old clear coat!!!!

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