Friday, March 18, 2011

Jack's First Trip to the Bronx Zoo

Jack didn't do much at the zoo except sleep, but the rest of us had a great time. Emme ran her way around the zoo and was slumped over sleeping in her car seat before we even got out of the parking lot to go home! My dad took the day off from work and Paul was off and the weather was amazingly beautiful- notice the short sleeves in the pics. Emme was a bit freaked out by the 4D Dora & Diego show. She loves them but didn't like getting wet. She was so scared she was shaking. Her little heart was pounding in her chest. The funniest part of the day had to be during lunch when we were trying to get Emme to eat some sandwich and all she wanted was pickles. So my dad said, " How about I give Jack some pickle?' Emme replied matter of factly' " No he eats from the breast!" I swear I almost died right there. She is a trip and a half. You never know what is coming out of her mouth.

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