Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My New Favorite Photos

Paul and I are so incredibly blessed to have two amazing kids. Emme absolutely adores Baby Jack. She has been so good with him.The transition has gone very well so far. They are going to be best buds. I can see it already. She sings to him and tells it "It's okay Baby Jackie" in this sweet little voice I have never before heard when she hears him crying. She demands I feed him as soon as he starts to cry. Even today when I was in the kitchen he spit up on his shirt and she came running in to tell me "change him! He threw up on his shirt" She is such a good helper too. Although she questions me when I ask her to throw away diapers. She says "Poopie in here?" If I say yes she hold it with two fingers away from her body like it was toxic or something. She cracks me up!

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