Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The "Quinn" Scale

Baby Jack in the "Quinn Scale" with Nurse Jeannie and Emme
I absolutely adore my pediatricians. They are a husband and wife team whose office is below their home on a horse farm literaly less than 4 minutes from my house. They answer the phones themselves off hours and on weekends and will have the kids come in if needed during those times too. They are amazing. The office is comfy and really child oriented. Each room is painted a bright color and each has its own animal theme. There is a huge fish aquarium in the waiting room and there are usually an array of animals waiting to be visited after the appointment including cats, goat, pig, horses, miniature horse and dogs. There is a swingset and lots of cool stickers, band aids and lolipops which Emme can't get enough of. There was only one thing that I didn't like and that was that they did not have a baby scale. Since Emme started with them as an infant we would have to rig my infant car seat onto the regular scale. This wasn't too much of a problem for most people because their car seats would fit on the scale. My car seat is the heaviest of all and it is awkward on the bottom and if it wasn't rigged just right it would fall off or give an inaccurate reading. 

So I asked why they didn't have one. Everyone said ask Dr. Greg. So I kept asking him when he was going to buy one (in the nicest way ever :) I even made him rig the car seat for Jack on the scale the first few times I brought him to show Dr Greg just how tough it was. He finally broke down and said he ordered one. No one believed him. Until today when Jeannie the nurse called me. I answered the phone to "hi Michelle Quinn- Guess what? Today is a historic day............." I was a little confused at first and I thought it had to do with insurance and then it hit me and I was so excited. They told me I had to come in and have Jack weighed right away so he could christen the scale.

We couldn't get there right away since I had to get Emme so Jack was the second one on the scale but if you look carefully at the picture they decided to name the scale after Baby Jack. The new scale's name is Quinn! Oh yeah and FAT Baby Jack is 11 pounds 5 ounces! and he isn't even 7 weeks old yet! Emme weighed that much at 3 months!

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