Thursday, December 18, 2008

35 Week Update

Well Baby Quinn is growing like a weed. Everything is going well. The baby is still head down so that is good. I will post the pics from the last growth scan soon. (just pure laziness and craziness with all that is going on here.) I have pitting edema in my calves, ankles and feet so that is pretty uncomfortable. That is when you take your thumb and push into my leg, ankle or foot and it doesn't just spring back. It leaves a nice hole until it feels like coming back to normal. My shoes and boots don't fit and even the loosest of socks leave a terrible ring around my ankle. Paul spends about 45 minutes a night massaging the fluid back up my legs which hurts even more but relieves some of the retention so it isn't stretching the skin so much it burns. I have also entered the stage of exhaustion. I can nap numerous times a day and then sleep all night with frequent bathroom calls since I am technically dehydrated even though all the water is in my legs that I have to drink a gallon of water a day! But this is all for a good cause- maybe baby Quinn will make an early debut and end the pains in my feet. We will have to see, however my two furbabies are settling right into baby's room and already protecting baby's crib. Here is a pic of them waiting for baby! I don't think they are going to let anyone near the baby hehe. I hope they can help feed and change diapers!

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