Friday, December 26, 2008


Ok so I wake up on Christmas Eve morning at 1:00am feeling kind of yucky. The kind of yuck that you want a bucket at your feet and to lock your self in the bathroom kind of yucky. So I thought back to the evening before. Hmmmm was I out partying and slugged back a few too many at the doggie Christmas party? NOT likely since I am 36+ weeks pregnant. Could it have been something I ate? No, I ate mostly veggies, dip a few cookies and a piece of fried chicken- that shouldn't have made me sick. That meal right there is probably the healthiest I ate in months. What then? Who knows, but I was sick and sick and sick and more sick the entire night. I resorted to living in the bathroom with my pillow and the tall kitchen garbage pail attached to me. By 6:00am five hours into the ordeal I finally decided I needed to go to the hospital. Not only because I was severely dehydrated but because throwing up with a watermelon sized uterus smashing into your ribs at every upheaval was very, very uncomfortable. At one point I thought the baby might be delivered this way.

So off we go through the horrific icy roads to the hospital with a NO WAIT ER and arrive around 7am! Gotta love that. I am seen immediately, they rehydrate me with some saline, give me some nausea meds and immodium and send someone to do some fetal monitoring on me. The baby is good, some contractions but nothing to be concerned about. They let me sleep for awhile, give me some more meds, tell me to stay as long as I like and that this bug will be around for at least the next 24-48 hours. I felt like I was beaten with a baseball bat. Everything ached so I slept on and off until one when I decided I wanted to go home to my own bed. We got home around 2 and Paul tucked me in and went to get my prescriptions. I slept on and off for the rest of the day. I was so disappointed I missed the yummy Christmas Eve Italian Fish Dinner with Marianne and Domenick at Dom's parents Farm Stand. Lobsters were calling my name but I couldn't move. I felt paralyzed. I think I finally woke up and felt well enough to stand up and move about around 4:45 am on Christmas. I napped on and off until later that morning when we had to get ready for Christmas.

I really thought I felt better on Christmas so I ate some real food and drinks other than white bread, pound cake and ginger ale. Christmas will be posted later. It was good although I missed going to Paul's parents for breakfast since I was not in great health and didn't want to get my father in law sick. He is still on the mend from some bronchitis etc. I even decided to go with my mom and Jeanine shopping on Dec 26th. I think I should've stayed home. I was not able to really enjoy myself because I started feeling that yucky feeling again- not nearly as bad thank goodness. I also had my meds that I took with me at the last moment "just in case!" I shopped a little and even took a nice nap in the cushy chairs at Roosevelt Field. I was thrilled though to have one last shopping hurrah without child in tow (on the outside-because technically I towed that baby all over the place today.) I am pretty big so everyone looked at me like I was a freak show. (That is how I felt.) But I am happy to be home now and do not plan to do anything remotely strenuous for the next nine days I am off from work.

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