Saturday, February 7, 2009

My First Bath

Tonight Aunt Jeanine and Grandma J brought Emme her new bathtub. She had a really nice day considering she got to eat out twice, was spoiled with lots of new presents and was able to have her first bath. She had to have her bellybutton cauterized on Wednesday since she had some granulomas that were leaving blood spots on all of her little onesies. The doctor said it was pretty common and it didn't really hurt her when they did it. It just stung a little. So I wanted to wait a bit to give her bellybutton a few days to finish "crusting" and then giver her a bath.

As for her bath, I filled up her tub, woke her up and put her in. Then she pooped in the tub within seconds of being in the water. Nothing like stringy breast milk poop. Thank goodness the tub is the size of a Cadillac- I was able to pick her up and rinse her a little on the opposite end of the tub. I then took her out and had to start all over again. She did enjoy it the second go around. She is a wiggler though and almost learned how to swim underwater! It was so entertaining she slept from 10pm and I had to wake her at 3:15am for a feed. She was back down by 4 and didn't wake up until almost 8am. Not bad. I think every night will be a bath night!

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