Thursday, February 5, 2009

Supplement with Formula

I took Emme to the doctor yesterday after the Breastfeeding Support Group, a trip to CVS for passport photos and of course a lunch at Panera- couldn't resist. You truly have to take advantage of eateries with "clean" changing tables and the ability to discreetly feed a baby that have good food too. So we finally get to the doctor for a weight check and she weighs in at 7lbs. This of course was after the doctor played around with her car seat on the scale. They do not have a baby scale. They calibrate the regular scale with the car seat on it and then put the baby in and it tells the weight of the baby. Unfortunately my car seat doesn't sit properly on the scale so they have to fidget with it every time. So anyway after all of this the doctor decided Emme needs a one ounce supplement of formula after every other feed to catch up. He felt that she would have gained more weight had I been feeling better than I was last week and were able to sit properly to feed so if she weighs more than birth weight by next week she can stop the formula.

The doctor gave me some premade Enfamil Lipil to take home and use but we had no bottles or liners so I had to go get some of those. She ate most of the one ounce at her 8:30pm feed along with her regular feeding and then at 11 she only nursed. At 2:45 she awoke hungry so she nursed for a good 45 minutes and then I had to wake her for the formula. She refused it for awhile and then finally took most of it. She still was hungry still so I nursed her more. Ten minutes later everything was covered in puke. EVERYTHING. And Emme was wide awake with a very empty stomach. So I nursed her for another 45 minutes and she seemed fine. She awoke again to nurse at 6:45 and all was well- no formula at that feed. But at 10am we had a repeat of last night's puke fest. After the clean up I nursed her again and so far she is fine. I called the doctor and he decided to skip formula for the next two days to catch back up to yesterday's weight and if I want to I can get some soy based formula. He also said I could skip the formula until next week's weigh in and I decided that is what I am going to do. Emme hadn't even spit up anything since birth until the formula so I am hoping that is what this caused her to get sick.

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